6 th Green Ocean Workshop Villefranche sur mer Spring 2007
Questions: what are the important feedbacks between marine ecosystems and climate on timescales of 1 yr to 100 kyr? are marine ecosystems stable? are there sensitive regions that we should closely monitor or potentially dangerous climate regimes or human activities that we should carefully avoid?
Products of 2006 workshop: EOS workshop report on Modelling interactions between marine ecosystems and climate Definition of 2 priorities: (1) develop a scheme for model evaluation (2) gather observations on rates and biomass
2007 workshop: 40 participants (18 new, 22 returning) 7 phd students
planned developments of a Dynamic Green Ocean Model Export 11 PgC/y Respiration 34 PgC/y Primary Production 45 PgC/y pico-heterotrophs monera phyto- plankton pico-autotrophs N 2 -fixers calcifiers DMSp-producers mixed silicifiers zoo- plankton proto meso macro
bacteria phytoplanktonzooplankton pico- hetero. pico- autotr. N 2 -fix.calcifiersDMSp- prod. mixed- phyto silicifiersprotomesomacro rates biomass satellite geochem. data available for parameterisation and evaluation (2006)
bacteria phytoplanktonzooplankton pico- hetero. pico- autotr. N 2 -fix.calcifiersDMSp- prod. mixed- phyto silicifiersprotomesomacro rates biomass satellite geochem. data available for parameterisation and evaluation (2007) (proposal under review with Euroceans)
2007: warming of the climate system is unequivocal (IPCC)
Raupach et al. PNAS CO 2 emissions (GtC/y) time (y) 1990 sea level change (cm) temperature change (ºC) Rahmstorf et al. Science
time (y) 1990 biological changes observed recent past possible future identify potentially dangerous feedbacks due to recent (or projected) climate change
Products of 2007 workshop: review progress and revise priorities define steps to move forward on priorities (1)develop a scheme for model evaluation AMERM effort (led by Icarus Alan) model intercomparison with Yasuhiro Yamanaka + (2) gather observations on rates and biomass remineralizers effort (led by Erik Buitenhuis) primary producers effort (led by Shubha Sathyendranath) explore non-linearities in marine ecosystems (led by Dieter Wolf-Gladrow)
time evolution of model developments bacteria phytoplanktonzooplankton pico- hetero. pico- autotr. N 2 -fix.calcifiersDMSp- prod. mixed- phyto silicifiersprotomesomacro
June: 1 st workshop October, 2 nd workshop October, 3 rd workshop October, 4 th workshop paper in Global Change biology April, 5 th workshop Spring, 6 th workshop initial struggle period }