SOCY 3700 IndexesScalesTypologies Greg S. Weaver Dept. of Sociology
Love What?Who?How?* *Note: We’re adults, so act like it.
Rubin (1970) P. 267 Affiliative or Dependent Need Predisposition to Help Exclusiveness and Absorption Question: Which item is best? “The Essence of Love”
Two Things: Love is a Concept Abstract Types of Definitions: 1. Real 2. Nominal 3. Operational Error/Bias
Composite Measure IndexScale
Index Sum or Average of Scores Political Involvement
Scale Unidimensionality Same Score Different Responses Assign Scores to Patterns of Responses
Rubin (1970) Love Index 13 Items Response Range of 1-9 Disagree Agree Disagree Agree CompletelyCompletely 1……………….9 1……………….9
Rubin (1970) Love Index Sum of Individual Items Range of
Types of Scales Bogardus Social Distance Thurston Scale Likert Scale Semantic Differential Guttman
Bogardus Scale Varying Degrees in Relation to Topic Example: Halfway House for Sex Offenders “Not in My Backyard” F NIMBY
Thurston Scale Weights are assigned to indicators. Example: 100 Indicators of “Love”
Semantic Differential Opposing Adjectives Example: Music