Title page of Hand, Abbott, and Davis report
Photos of Hand, Abbott, and Davis Donald P. Abbott Professor, Hopkins Marine Station, Stanford University Cadet Hand Director, Bodega Marine Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley John Davis Director, Hastings Natural History Reservation, University of California, Berkeley
Temperature change Nearshore Sea Temperature at Hopkins Marine Station Year Temperature (C) Strong ENSO years MAX MEAN MIN Note: The increase in mean temperature is approximately 0.75 degrees C Sagarin et al., Ecol. Monogr. 69:
Sea level change (from Luke Hunt Encyclopedia) From Luke Hunt, Encyclopedia of Tidepools & Rocky Shores, 2007 Average rate of increase: 24 cm/100 years ENSOs 1947
Sea level change (from Luke Hunt thesis) From Luke Hunt, Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, 2006 ENSOs Average rate of increase: 24 cm/100 years Sea Level Rise During 20th Century in Monterey Bay Monthly Mean Higher High Water 1947
Title page Repeat Hand-Abbott-Davis study 60 years later by John S. Pearse, Devon E. Pearse, Vicki B. Pearse July 2007 (and Fiona S. Pearse) At Snadrock
Aerial photo of Hopkins Hopkins Marine Station 1973 Snad Rock High Rock Hot Rock Murphy’s Rock Major direction of waves
Drawings of sites High Rock Most wave exposed Hot Rock Next most wave exposed
Drawings of sites Murphy’s Rock Second least wave exposed Snad Rock Least wave exposed
Photos of main species Littorina plena/scutulata Littorina keenae Lottia austrodigitalis/digitalis Lottia scabra Chthamalus dalli/fissus Balanus glandula TWO PERIWINKLES - TWO LIMPETS -TWO BARNACLES
Cartoon of main species Hand, Abbott, Davis 1947 Most wave exposed Least wave exposed
Distribution of L. austrodigitalis/digitalis 1947 Not sampled Vertical distribution of Lottia austrodigitalis/digitalis in 1947 (not enough present at Snad Rock to analyze) Bottom Top Median height
Distribution of L. austrodigitalis/digitalis 1947 and 2007 Vertical distribution of Lottia austrodigitalis/digitalis in 1947 and 2007 (not enough present at Snad Rock to analyze) Top Bottom Top
Distribution of L. scabra 1947 and 2007 Vertical distribution of Lottia scabra in 1947 and 2007 Bottom
Distribution of C. dalli/fissus 1947 and 2007 Vertical distribution of Chthamalus dalli/fissus in 1947 and 2007 Top Bottom
Distribution of B. glandula 1947 and 2007 Vertical distribution of Balanus glandula in 1947 and 2007 Bottom
Distribution of L. keenae 1947 and 2007 Vertical distribution of Littorina keenae in 1947 and 2007 Bottom
Distribution of C. plena/scutulata 1947 and 2007 Vertical distribution of Littorina scutulata/plena in 1947 and 2007 Bottom
Median height of main species PeriwinklesLimpetsBarnacles Median Height Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test P= < > < 2007
Abundance of main species PeriwinklesLimpetsBarnacles Abundances on transects - all less in 2007 than in 1947
Updated abundance of main species Abundances continue to be low in 2008 and 2009… Except for L. scabra
Photos of other species from lower down Leaf barnacles, Owl limpets, Mussels, Chitons, Pink acorn barnacles Pollicipes polymerus Lottia gigantea Mytilus californianus Nuttallina californica (also Cyanoplax hartwegi) Tetraclita rubescens
Abundance of other species Abundances - nearly all higher in 2007 All found in lowest squares Other Species
Rainbow on Murphy’s Rock Conclusions: Over past 60 years 1.Substantial shift upward of high intertidal animals, probably in response to rising sea level. response to rising sea level. 2. Substantial decrease in abundance of high intertidal animals over of high intertidal animals over same period-- unknown reasons. same period-- unknown reasons. Murphy’s Rock Photo taken from 183 Ocean View Blvd, Pacific Grove
Photos of Endocladia 1947 and 2005 From Luke Hunt, Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, 2006 Change in upper limit of Endocladia muricata at Hopkins Marine Station, Monterey Bay
Abrupt change in upper limit of Endocladia From Luke Hunt, Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, 2006 Change in upper limit of the alga Endocladia muricata from photographic records Abrupt change of 30cm Between 1962 and 1970 Approximate rise in sea level
Snadrock - where is that name from? “Professor Snadrock says….” Mysterious sayings found on blackboards at Hopkins Marine Station in 1950s See Smith & Light Manual 2007 p. xii
Third Edition 1975 Second Edition 1954
Scaphopod - snadrock SNADROCK Drawing of a living tusk shell at Friday Harbor, by Ralph Smith. Light’s Manual 2nd (1954) and 3rd (1975) editions.
Books - Snadrock Chapter head block Also for index in Third Edition (1975) Snadrock Second Edition (1954)
Preface - snadrock Second Edition (1954) and for Preface in Third Edition (1975)
Who is Snadrock? So who was Snadrock??