United Nations Cartographic Section UNGI WORKING GROUP AND UNITED NATIONS GEOGRAPHIC DATABASE Presented to the 8 th PCGIAP Brunei Darussalam, April 2002 By Vladimir Bessarabov
United Nations Cartographic Section Address of UN Secretary-General at AAG conference in March 2001 “...last year we at the United Nations established a Geographic Information Working Group to improve the way in which the many entities in our far-flung system use cartographic and geographic information. One of the Group’s main goals is to establish a common UN Geographic Database. It will be working with national mapping agencies, non-governmental organizations, industry groups and research institutions.” “…I encourage you to contact us and get involved, if you have not done so already.”
United Nations Cartographic Section 1 st meeting – March 2000, New York, hosted by Cartographic Section UN Geographic Information Working Group UNGIWG An inter-agency group consists of focal points and professionals working or interested in GI within the UN 2 nd meeting – March 2001, Rome, hosted by FAO 3 rd meeting – July 2002, Washington D.C., hosted by World Bank
United Nations Cartographic Section UNGIWG Objectives To promote the use of geographic information within the United Nations system and Member States for better decision-making To identify and implement protocols for sharing, maintaining and assuring the quality of geographic information within the United Nations system for efficient and cost effective use of such information with close co- operation with Member States, non-governmental organizations, research institutions and industry To develop and maintain a common geographic database as a crucial capacity-building effort to enhance normative, programme and operational capabilities and efficiencies within the United Nations system
United Nations Cartographic Section UNGIWG Task Groups Metadata and clearinghouses Framework data – international boundaries (land and maritime) and coastlines Framework data – administrative boundaries Remote sensing and satellite imagery Field operations Cartographic guidelines Training And a UN GI Strategic Plan
United Nations Cartographic Section Call for Co-ordination ECOSOC resolution of 19 February 1948 calls for co-ordination of cartographic services of specialized agencies and international organizations by… promoting the exchange of technical information and the development of uniform international standards co-ordinating the plans and programmes of the United Nations and specialized agencies in the field of cartography developing close co-operation with cartographic services of Member Governments
United Nations Cartographic Section UN Geographic Database UN Views UN Geographic Database UNEP/FAOTECHNOLOGIES ISO/TC211 IndustrySTANDARDS UNGIWG MONITORING Security Council USERS and DECISION MAKERS UN Agencies International And Regional NGOs PCGIAP GSDI ISCGM PCIDEA Industry Member States DATA PROVIDERS UN Agencies
United Nations Cartographic Section Database Requirements SHARE not re-create ; Interoperate not re-design Multi-scale ; Seamless Distributed network with participating agencies as the custodians of their respective data layers Must be shared freely within the UN System Must be MAINTAINABLE
United Nations Cartographic Section Creating a UN Geographic Database (Phase I) Duration: 19 months Implementing Partners: Cartographic Section, Department of Public Information Department of Political Affairs Department of Peace-keeping Operations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNGIWG serves as an advisory body and provide project monitoring and technical support
United Nations Cartographic Section Programme Activities Strategic Plan Needs assessment Data models and ISO compliant standards System architecture Data policy Collaborative arrangement Project sustainability including capital investment plan Metadata and Clearinghouse Clearinghouse architecture and metadata conventions UN geographic data clearinghouse
United Nations Cartographic Section Programme Activities (cont.) Quick Impact Data Development Data format and coding scheme Framework data sets Country profile database Assemble available global data sets Application Pilot Information dissemination
United Nations Cartographic Section Peacekeeper Rebel Mission & Force HQ GPS Satellite Peacekeeping Missions GIS Security Council Security Council FALD MPS MilAd UN Geo Database Cartographic Section Mission & Sector HQs Peacekeepers locations Rebels GOSL Army, Refugees LOC: roads, air/sea ports Hydrographic features Mine field & Land usage Topographic features... You will get a map in a near real-time basis. Life Saving Technology !!! DPKO Logistics Operations/Planning Special Map Storage Operational Map Storage Current Operations & Future Planning Terrain Analysis Base Map Storage WFP UNDP UNICEF UNHCR OCHA GIS Operational Concept for Peacekeeping Situation Map Storage Situation Center
United Nations Cartographic Section The Security Council… Close attention to: working methods procedures flow of info Better informed via new approach to enhanced briefings
United Nations Cartographic Section For more information Please visit our web site: You can also visit the web site of the UN Cartographic Section: