Monroe L. Weber-Shirk S chool of Civil and Environmental Engineering Aqueducts
Where Are We? We estimated the land area needed to supply water to NYC How large a pipe is needed to carry the water to NYC? We will look at the construction of the Catskill Aqueduct We will figure out how large a pipe is needed to carry the water from the Delaware system
Aqueducts How does NYC get the water from upstate reservoirs down to the city? Pressurized Tunnels Deep pressurized, bedrock tunnel water flows under pressure just like in the pipes in your apartment Grade Tunnels Not pressurized water surface is in the tunnel water flow is similar to water flow in a stream
Supply Aqueducts and Tunnels Shandaken Tunnel (1928) Catskill Aqueduct (1915) Delaware Aqueduct (1944) Neversink Tunnel (1950) East Delaware Tunnel (1954) West Delaware Tunnel (1967)
Types of Aqueducts Following natural surface open channel cut-and-cover Above natural surface embankment viaduct Below natural surface grade tunnel ä Following or above natural surface ä wooden pipe ä reinforced concrete pipe ä steel pipe ä plastic pipe ä Below natural surface ä pressure tunnel On Hydraulic Grade Below Hydraulic Grade
Profile of Catskill Aqueduct Small Scale profile of Catskill Aqueduct, Ashokan Reservoir to Silver Lake Reservoir. (White p. 46)
Cross-section of Cut-and-Cover Aqueduct Construction of cover embankment. Rock was usually excavated to a 6 on 1 slope. Minimum thickness of concrete along sides 20 ins., but usually thicker owing to disintegrated condition of surface rocks. (White p. 50) Cut and Cover
Delaware Aqueduct 10 km Rondout Reservoir West Branch Reservoir
Flow Profile for Delaware Aqueduct Rondout Reservoir (EL. 256 m) West Branch Reservoir (EL m) 70.5 km (El m) Sea Level (Designed for 39 m 3 /s) Hudson River crossing Valves to control flow?
Size of the Delaware Aqueduct How big does the tunnel have to be? What variables do you think are important?
Simplified Delaware Aqueduct Rondout Reservoir (EL m wrt West Branch) West Branch Reservoir 70.5 km (Designed for 890 mgd or 39 m 3 /s) Hydraulic Grade Line: level to which water will rise How high will the water rise?
Darcy-Weisbach Formula Energy loss due to _______ resistance to flow f = friction factor [dimensionless] L = length of pipe [L] D = diameter of pipe [L] g = acceleration due to gravity [L/T 2 ] V = average velocity of water in pipe [L/T] h f = loss of head [L] viscous Decrease in energy expressed as potential energy Is proportional to the kinetic energy mechanical
Darcy-Weisbach Equation (Function of Flow) Darcy-Weisbach Solve for D
Darcy-Weisbach Equation: What About f? f is a function of (V*D/ν) ______________ f is a function of pipe ___________ Take Fluid Mechanics (and Hydraulic Engineering) to learn how to use this equation... roughness Reynolds number
E+031E+041E+051E+061E+071E+08 R friction factor laminar smooth Capillary tube or 24 ft diameter tunnel Where is temperature? Where do you specify the fluid? Frictional Losses in Straight Pipes Moody Diagram
Swamee-Jain pipe size equation Do the units work? _________ Yes! Moody + Darcy Weisbach =Swamee-Jain
Pipe Roughness pipe materialpipe roughness (mm) glass, drawn brass, copper commercial steel or wrought iron0.045 asphalted cast iron0.12 galvanized iron0.15 cast iron0.26 concrete rivet steel corrugated metal45.0 Watch these units!
Delaware Tunnel Diameter viscosity1.01E-06 Q39 L70500 hfhf roughness g9.8 D4.12 m 2 /s m 3 /s m m/s 2 m The actual diameter! Which term dominates?
Swamee-Jain Head Loss Equation Darcy-Weisbach equation Swamee-Jain equation for f Reynolds number Calculate head loss given a new flow… Energy loss measured as lost potential energy
Tunnel Explorations How long does it take water to get from Rondout to West Branch (70.5 km)? What is the Reynolds number? What happens to head loss in the tunnel if the flow rate is decreased? Where does excess PE go?
Solve the tunnel size using Moody?
Summary Catskill and Delaware water is transported to NYC without use of pumps We can calculate the size of a tunnel based on the required flow rate The diameter of the tunnel, surface roughness, length, and elevation drop determine the maximum flow rate
What is a mgd? Million Gallons per Day
Swamee-Jain Excel Equation =0.66*('roughness'^1.25*('L'*'Q'*'Q'/g/'hf')^4.75 +'viscosity'*'Q'^9.4*('L'/g/'hf')^5.2)^0.04
Construction of Cut-and-cover Aqueduct Shows steel form and carriage; also locomotive crane used to place concrete, move outside forms, and assist in excavation. (White p. 220)
Electric carriage for moving interior forms Carriage and upper jacks are motor driven. Side jacks and turntable hand driven. (White p. 221)
Traveling Aqueduct Building Plant Traveling crushing concrete, mixing, and form-moving plant completing last section of aqueduct adjoining shaft 1 of contract 12. This plant built 7500 feet of aqueduct in two seasons. (White p. 223)
Cut-and-cover Arch This section was cast between steel forms with steel plate in expansion joints at 60-ft intervals. Steel plates 6” x 3/8” were places in both invert and arch joints to act as water stops. (White p. 236)
Steel Forms and Locomotive Crane Continuous method was here used, forms being used “telescoping.” 60- to 75-foot section concreted daily. (White p. 374)
Cut-and-cover Aqueduct on Curve Arch cast with aid of steel forms built wedge-shaped in 5- foot lengths to 200 feet radius. Section 17 feet high by 17 feet 6 inches wide. (White p. 237)
Peak Tunnel (Grade Tunnel) Ready for Concrete Lining Footing courses are in place. Center track for hauling material to upper portion of contract 11. Tunnel is 3450 feet long on tangent.(White p. 243)
Completed Pressure Tunnel Lining Note smooth finish and close joints at invert and springing line. Concrete surface very dry. (White p. 331)
Hunters Brook Steel Pipe Siphon Laying of steel pipe on concrete pedestal blocks. Later pipe was filled with water, covered with concrete and earth and lined with 2 ins. of mortar. (White p. 467)
Hudson River Crossing
Section/Homework Comments How can you meter the alum into your filtration plant? (remember the peristaltic pump limitations) What range of alum dosage should you be able to provide? What happened to the stream flow below the reservoir in 1978?
Stream flow below reservoir Why does low flow rate appear to have regular pattern? Note frequency of flows over 10 m 3 /s What causes flows over 10 m 3 /s? Why did low flow rate increase in 1978? Which season are the higher controlled flows in? How do you explain occasional low flows after 1978?