mPLAT Competency Modelling Lester Gilbert Learning Technologies Group University of Southampton Outline and vision
The learning transaction A lesson comprises a series of learning transactions, each to a purpose, where the tutor provides teaching input, the student undertakes learning activities, and feedback is provided and shared.
Learning transaction context A well-structured learning transaction considers learner preferences, methods & media, intended learning outcomes, subject matter content, and formative assessment. In particular, the intended learning outcomes, or desired competencies, inform the purpose of the transaction and the student activity.
LT context detail
Competency models Establish formal structures for competency, intended learning outcomes, educational objectives, student achievement, prior experiential learning, prerequisites, award criteria, … Example:
A competence model: IMS RDCEO Reusable Definition of Competency or Educational Objective RDCEO Identifier Title Description Definition Metadata Definition
A competence model: HR-XML Human Resources XML Competence Identifier Name Description Metadata Taxonomy ID Taxonomy name Taxonomy descr […]
A competence model: Sitthisak & Gilbert
A content model Establish formal structures for subject matter content (knowledge and skills) of Properties (facts) Concepts Procedures Principles Example:
An assessment model Establish formal structures for assessment of competence Elements of competence Elements of subject matter