1 Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development, Part- 2 Kazi F. Jalal Ph.D. Harvard University Extension School Nov. 10, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development, Part- 2 Kazi F. Jalal Ph.D. Harvard University Extension School Nov. 10, 2009

2 Selected issues in social development 1.Poverty Reduction 2.Participatory Development 3.Consensus Building 4.Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) 5.Gender and Development _____________________________________ 6. Involuntary Resettlement 7. Indigenous Peoples 8. Social Exclusion

3 6. Involuntary Resettlement

4 Involuntary Resettlement is a process of resettlement of people who have no option but to give up their assets in favor of a project that serves the interest of a broader community

5 General Principles of Involuntary Resettlement Policy Involuntary resettlement should be avoided where possible Where population displacement is unavoidable, it should be minimized by exploring all viable project options People unavoidably displaced should be compensated and assisted, so that their economic and social future would be generally as favorable as it would have been in the absence of the project. Source: ADB, 1998

6 General Principles of Involuntary Resettlement Policy People affected should be fully consulted on resettlement and compensation options Existing social and cultural institutions of resettlers and their hosts should be supported and used to the greatest extent possible, and resettlers should be integrated economically and socially into host communities. Source: ADB, 1998

7 General Principles of Involuntary Resettlement Policy The absence of a formal legal title to land by some affected groups should not be a bar to compensation; particular attention should be paid to households headed by women and other vulnerable groups, such as indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities As far as possible, involuntary resettlement should be conceived and executed as an integral part of any project. Source: ADB, 1998

8 General Principles of Involuntary Resettlement Policy -The full costs of resettlement and compensation should be included in the presentation of project costs and incorporated into the project budget. Such costs include: - resettlement plan preparation; cash compensation; relocation and transfer; income restoration; and administrative costs - An IR Plan should be prepared and implemented whenever there is a significant resettlement involved Source: ADB, 1998

9 Resettlement in Different Project Types Source: ADB, 1998

10 Resettlement in Different Project Types Source: ADB, 1998

11 Resettlement Plan Outline Scope of land acquisition and resettlement Socioeconomic information Objectives, policy frameworks and entitlements Consultation and grievance redress Relocation of housing and settlements Income restoration strategy Costing & financing plan

12 7.Indigenous Peoples* * Janet Chernela (2003):The right of IP: International Instruments, American Anthropological Association

13 Indigenous Peoples (IPs) Cultural minorities Ethnic minorities Natives Tribals Aboriginals First peoples Autochthons

14 Characteristics Of Indigenous Peoples Descent from population groups present in given areas before the existence of modern states or territories Maintenance of cultural, social identities different from mainstream population Maintenance of distinct institutional and/or legal framework Source: ADB, 1999

15 Characteristics Of Indigenous Peoples Self identification and identification by others as being part of a distinct or ancient, cultural group Linguistic identity different from that of dominant society Unique ties to traditional habitats and ancestral domain Living in remote areas Source: ADB, 1999

16 International Laws and Agreements Concerning the Rights of Indigenous Peoples The United Nations “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (1948) ILO Convention (#107) on Protection and Integration of Indigenous and Other Tribal and Semi-Tribal Populations in Independent Countries (1957) ILO Convention(#169) on Indigenous Peoples in Independent Countries (1957) Agenda 21 adopted by the United Nations (1992) Convention on Biodiversity (1992) Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action (1993); UN proclaimed 1993 as the Year of Ips UN/ECOSOC(2000) : Established a Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Source: ADB, 1999

17 Indigenous Peoples (IP) Policy ¯Consistent with the needs and aspirations of affected indigenous peoples ¯Compatible in substance and structure with affected IPs and with their culture and socioeconomic institutions ¯Conceived, planned, and implemented with the informed participation of affected communities ¯Equitable in terms of development efforts and impact ¯Not imposing the negative effects of development on indigenous peoples without appropriate and acceptable compensation. Source: ADB, 1999

18 8. Social Exclusion


20 Social Exclusion : In 1974, French philosopher Rene Lenoir used this term to refer to a tenth of France’s population who were: “mentally and physically handicapped, suicidal people, aged invalids, abused children, substance abusers, delinquents, single parents, multi-problem households, marginal, asocial persons, and other social misfits”. Source: Amartya Sen(2000): Social Exclusion:Concepts,application s and scrutiny, ADB

21 Categories of Social Exclusion Active Passive Source: Sen, 2000

22 Forms of Social Exclusion Rejection of Participation Credit Market Exclusion Gender Exclusion Health Care Exclusion Public Goods Exclusion Source: Sen, 2000

23 Public Goods Exclusion Public goods are defined as goods, services or resources that are available for all involving two principles: (1) non- rivalry & (2) non-excludability If both conditions are fulfilled the goods are called “pure”. Whenever public goods are “ impure” social exclusion comes into play Example: A non-toll road is congested during rush hour excludes people from using it; A toll highway where some people are excluded from using it since they can not afford to pay the toll