Introduction The best Flash cartoon on the web! Written by the Chapman brothers. Updated weekly with new games, movies, special features, and Strong Bad s. Return To My Homework Page Dan Lara
Homestar Runner The star of the show! Is dating Marzipan… when she says so! Can run, jump, and kick like no other!
Strong Bad The criminal element! His brothers are Strong Sad & Strong Mad His side kick is The Cheat!
Strong Sad Strong Sad should probably take Ritalin His brothers are Strong Bad & Strong Mad His best friends are board games
Strong Mad He loves to yell! Can’t you tell? His protects The Cheat from larger Predators
Marzipan This is the only girl on the show She won’t eat sandwiches because they’re cute Lucky, Lucky… Homestar is dating this whack job
The Cheat You can’t understand The Cheat unless you speak The Cheat talk He is Strong Bad’s partner in crime and Strong Mad’s best friend He has a gold tooth and a bad attitude!
Poll: How would you describe Strong Bad? How would you describe Strong Bad?Votes Cool176% Awesome5219% Hot135% Video Games52% The Hottest8331% Real Real Hot10137% Total271
Who is in Strong Bad’s Family? Strong Bad Strong Mad (Brother) Strong Sad (Brother) The Cheat (Pet)