Chapter 1 What is Security Engineering?
Security Engineering Building systems that remain stable Malice Error Mischance Focuses on Tool Processes Methods
Expertise for security Engineering Cryptography Computer security Hardware tamper resistance Applied Psychology Audit methods Law System engineering Business process analysis Software engineering
Critical assurance requirements Human life and environment Nuclear safety Military Economic infrastructure Bank systems Personal privacy Medical system Business sectors Pay TV Internet sale Crime Burglar and car alarms
Security v software engineering Software Ensuring that certain things can happen and happen properly Security Ensuring that certain things can not happen
A Secure system needs User authentication Transaction integrity Accountability Fault-tolerance Message secrecy Covertness
Review of 4 systems Bank Banks have been a driving force in security and accounting controls Air force base Military has been motivator of technology Healthcare Patient safety and privacy Home More and more important
Terms and uses System Subject, Principal, Identity Trust, Trustworthy Confidentiality, Privacy, Secrecy Authenticity, Integrity Vulnerability, Threat, Security failure
Articles for Friday 1/21 What is security engineering Documentation of “system” like in text Confidentiality versus privacy versus secrecy System used for domestic spying (Wiretaps) Find article to classmates before Thursday noon prepare to lead discussion.
Previous articles An interesting discussion of the FBI's Carnivore system and its confidentiality. A news article on the latest version of iTunes; Privacy concerns over the 'Ministore' Talking about tailoring data to specific people... Speaks about a changing threat and people who pose as others... (Sort of a long article, sorry) (A lot to do with Echelon) Intelligence info in plain site Cell phone Privacy
Links to resources What is Security Engineering (author links) A few great BLOGS to get started
Links to resources What do secure systems need: Ross Andersons Home page