Teachers Impact on Students Krystall Bent and Alexandria Sullens
Roles DPS teachers play in Students’ lives Throughout our research we found that teachers not only teach their students the curriculum, but also help them decide what they want to accomplish in life. Sometimes teachers step out of their normal box to be like a “mother” or “father” figure in student's lives. Moreover, teachers motivate students even when the students don’t want to do the work.
Teacher/Student Relationship “ My middle school math teacher, Mr. Timms……got me to like math……He was, he was like a comedian in the classroom. He was funny....he was basically like another dad to me ‘cause I don’t really see my dad that much so seeing him everyday was like… “
Make the class interesting “The teacher, he’s cool. It’s just the way the class is….kind of murky….he talks really slow….you get tired, you don’t want to be there.”
Pacing with the students “Since my favorite subject is English, my teacher this year, she just, she trying to push us to some levels that she need to work us up to instead of like trying to get us there and jumping and skipping some that we need to learn what we learn. And she’s not very, she doesn’t like to listen to other people. She want everything her way so….I mean, I have to deal with it but I don’t like it.”
Teachers Who Inspired Us “I guess it was because when I came into school, when I came into school, it was just; I didn’t really care about nothing. But I guess he saw the potential in me and kind of brought it out.” “His teaching style is very good and just pushes me to do my best and try harder.”
Conclusion We learned that teachers inspire and motivate their students to do better, by not only teaching, but also building a relationship that could change a life. In addition to that, teachers enhance their students’ potential by preparing them for college. Students will only succeed if they have support of influential people, like teachers. It takes A+ teachers to produce A+ students!