meNet Learning Outcomes in Music Teacher Training Sarah Hennessy, Exeter (UK), Adri de Vugt, The Hague (NL) Franz Niermann, Vienna (AT), Isolde Malmberg, Vienna (AT) RIME, Exeter (UK), April 2009 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission and co-funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research (BMWF).
meNet Learning Outcomes in Music Teacher Training 1.The Context of Learning Outcomes 2.Music Education Network (meNet) 3.Formulating the meNet Learning Outcomes 4.Explaining the current version 5.Discussion
Cultural Diversity in Europe – Variety of Music Education Bläserklasse - DE Klangnetze – AT Choir Clases – EE „Musicologie“ – FR Primary Schools of Arts – SK Musical Futures - UK Performance – SI
The Context: European Policy = Fields of Tension UnityDiversity standards/ standardising regional/ institutional/ individual differences
The Context: European Policy = Fields of Tension UnityDiversity standards/ standardising regional/ institutional/ individual differences generally regulated competencies individual ways of learning
Initiatives for the development of the „Idea of Europe“ = „unity in diversity“ The Lisbon-Strategy The Working Program The Copenhagen Process Vocational Education and Training The Bologna Process Towards the European Higher Education Area
Initiatives concerning Schools and Teacher Training: Discussions around „Competences“ and „Standards“ concerning teaching and learning in schools Consultation process concerning „Schools for the 21. century“ EAS/meNet statement „Learning Outcomes“ for Teacher Training
The Context: Reference Documents 1. European Qualification Framework (EQF) 2. Dublin Descriptors 3. AEC Learning Outcomes for Musicians
European Qualification Framework (EQF) Commission Staff Working Document: “Towards a European Qualification Framework for Lifelong Learning” (2005/2008) Definitions of e.g. “Learning and Learning Outcomes”, “Competence”, “Qualification”, “Knowledge”, “Skills”,“Quality assurance” …
Dublin Descriptors Working Document on JQI meeting in Dublin 2004: “Shared ‘Dublin’ descriptors for the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral awards” … formulates common European general abilities of graduates, orientated on the Bologna 3-cycles structure
AEC Learning Outcomes for Musicians & Polifonia/Dublin Descriptors Learning Outcomes for “musical studies undertaken in the context of Higher Education that have a primary focus upon students’ practical and creative development” … the most important basic document for the concrete work on the meNet LOs
The Project: Music Education Network (meNet) 1.meNet as a COMENIUS Network 2.Countries / Active Partners / Associated Partners / Target Groups 3.Topics / Working Groups
meNet as a COMENIUS Network meNet is a COMENIUS-3-Network, funded by the Socrates program, 10/2006 – 9/2009 The full name: “Music Education Network: The European Network for Communication and Knowledge Management in the field of Music Education” meNet has been initiated and is supported by the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS)
meNet Partnership 11 European Countries 26 Active Partner Institutions Target Groups Ministries, cultural bodies, education authorities, committees and institutions All types of primary and secondary schools providing general education All types of teacher training institutions Associations and other organizations involved in music education 90 Associated Partner
meNet Topics & Working Groups COMENIUS 1 & 2 projects in Music Education Music Education in the School Systems of the European Countries Music Teacher Training in the different institutions in EU Countries Examples of Practice in context meNet Learning Outcomes in Music Teacher Training Lifelong Learning
Working process & context Situated knowledge Issues of language/philosophy Understanding and respecting difference Issues of level, scope and structure for formulation
Activity Initial small scale survey to determine detail of MTT courses in 7 countries: England, Greece, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden. Great range of conditions: e.g. freedom and constraint; academic ‘location’; relationship to schools; balance (and integration) of artistic and pedagogic.
Starting points for formulation Learning outcomes can be seen as a set of knowledge, skills and/or competences. Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner is expected to know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a period of learning.
Starting points (contd): They are conceived at one level and apply to the point at which a teacher is formally certified as a teacher. They apply to all types of teacher training institutions. They take a position.
We have combined skills and knowledge, since we consider that knowledge is not a solitary factor. We aim to express what knowledge means in the context of music teaching. We have combined musical and didactic knowledge and skills as the musical expertise is contextualised by teaching music. Combining instead of separating terms
The use of meNet LO’s Contribution to a more intensive round of deliberation and discussion on issues relating to the training of music teachers Tool for the modification of curricula A highly representative document in terms of a European synopsis An open ended process
Discussion Integration Application Adaptation Unity AND diversity
Integration The development of musical and artistic expertise can’t be seen as separate from didactic and pedagogical development.
Application Deciding which knowledge has to be learned derives from decisions about what is relevant and applicable.
Adaptation Music teachers have to take into account the learners’ aims and interests instead of offering a prescribed curriculum.
Unity AND Diversity The document emphasises the importance of Europe as a unity AND encourages diversity, i.e. to find ways suitable for individuals, institutions, regions etc.
Adri de Vugt, The Hague (NL) Sarah Hennessy, Exeter (UK) Isolde Malmberg, Vienna (AT) Franz Niermann, Vienna (AT) „Lernergebnisse in derMusiklehrerbildung“ Ein abenteuerlicher Versuch, Orientierungspunkte für die Musiklehrerbildung in Europa über die institutionellen, regionalen und nationalen Unterschiede hinweg zu formulieren