Discriminative Learning of Extraction Sets for Machine Translation John DeNero and Dan Klein UC Berkeley TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint.


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Presentation transcript:

Discriminative Learning of Extraction Sets for Machine Translation John DeNero and Dan Klein UC Berkeley TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A

Identifying Phrasal Translations Inthepasttwoyears, anumberofUScitizens… 过去 两年中, 一批美国公民 … past twoyearin,onelotsUScitizen Phrase alignment models:Choose a segmentation and a one- to-one phrase alignment Underlying assumption:There is a correct phrasal segmentation

Unique Segmentations? Inthepasttwoyears, anumberofUScitizens… 过去 两年中, 一批美国公民 … past twoyearin,onelotsUScitizen Problem 1:Overlapping phrases can be useful (and complementary) Problem 2:Phrases and their sub-phrases can both be useful Hypothesis:This is why models of phrase alignment don’t work well

Identifying Phrasal Translations This talk:Modeling sets of overlapping, multi-scale phrase pairs Inthepasttwoyears, anumberofUScitizens… 过去 两年中, 一批美国公民 … past twoyearin,onelotsUScitizen Input: sentence pairs Output: extracted phrases

… But the Standard Pipeline has Overlap! M OTIVATION Inthepasttwoyears 过去 两 年 中 past two year in Sentence Pair Word Alignment Extracted Phrases

Related Work M OTIVATION Sentence Pair Word Alignment Extracted Phrases Translation models:Sinuhe system (Kääriäinen, 2009) Combining Aligners:Yonggang Deng & Bowen Zhou (2009) Fixed alignments; learned phrase pair weights Fixed directional alignments; learned symmetrization Extraction models:Moore and Quirk, 2007 Fixed alignments; learned phrase pair weights

Our Task: Predict Extraction Sets M OTIVATION Sentence Pair Extracted Phrases Conditional model of extraction sets given sentence pairs Inthepasttwoyears 过去 两 年 中 Inthepasttwoyears 过去 两 年 中 Extracted Phrases + ``Word Alignments’’

Alignments Imply Extraction Sets M ODEL Inthepasttwoyears 过去 两 年 中 past two year in Word-level alignment links Word-to-span alignments Extraction set of bispans

Nulls and Possibles 据 报道 according to news report itisreported 据 报道 according to news report itisreported Nulls: Possibles:

Incorporating Possible Alignments M ODEL Inthepasttwoyears 过去 两 年 中 past two year in Sure and possible word links Word-to-span alignments Extraction set of bispans

Linear Model for Extraction Sets M ODEL Inthepasttwoyears 过去 两 年 中 Features on sure links Features on all bispans

Features on Bispans and Sure Links F EATURES 过 地球 go over Earth overtheEarth Some features on sure links HMM posteriors Presence in dictionary Numbers & punctuation Features on bispans HMM phrase table features: e.g., phrase relative frequencies Lexical indicator features for phrases with common words Monolingual phrase features: e.g., “the _____” Shape features: e.g., Chinese character counts

Getting Gold Extraction Sets T RAINING Hand Aligned: Sure and possible word links Word-to-span alignments Extraction set of bispans Deterministic: A bispan is included iff every word within the bispan aligns within the bispan Deterministic: Find min and max alignment index for each word

Discriminative Training with MIRA T RAINING Loss function:F-score of bispan errors (precision & recall) Training Criterion: Minimal change to w such that the gold is preferred to the guess by a loss-scaled margin Gold (annotated)Guess (arg max w∙ɸ)

Inference: An ITG Parser I NFERENCE ITG captures some bispans

Coarse-to-Fine Approximation I NFERENCE Coarse Pass: Features that are local to terminal productions Fine Pass: Agenda search using coarse pass as a heuristic We use an agenda-based parser. It’s fast!

Experimental Setup R ESULTS Chinese-to-English newswire Parallel corpus: 11.3 million words; sentences length ≤ 40 MT systems: Tuned and tested on NIST ‘04 and ‘05 Supervised data: 150 training & 191 test sentences (NIST ‘02) Unsupervised Model: Jointly trained HMM (Berkeley Aligner)

Baselines and Limited Systems R ESULTS HMM: ITG: Coarse: State-of-the-art unsupervised baseline Joint training & competitive posterior decoding Source of many features for supervised models Supervised ITG aligner with block terminals State-of-the-art supervised baseline Re-implementation of Haghighi et al., 2009 Supervised block ITG + possible alignments Coarse pass of full extraction set model

Word Alignment Performance R ESULTS

Extracted Bispan Performance R ESULTS

Translation Performance (BLEU) R ESULTS Supervised conditions also included HMM alignments

Conclusions Extraction set model directly learns what phrases to extract The system performs well as an aligner or a rule extractor Are segmentations always bad? Idea: get overlap and multi-scale into the learning!

Thank you! nlp.cs.berkeley.edu

The Role of Possible Alignments M ODEL Role-equivalent word/phrase pairs wasdiscovered 被 发现 passive marker discover Language-specific function words 过 地球 go over Earth overtheEarth 31% 65% If a word has no sure links, possible links define its span

Definition: Phrasal Extraction Set M ODEL Inthepasttwoyears 过去 两 年 中 past two year in the past two 过去 两 Lexical type: Position: