November 28th, 20071 Simnet View Preliminary Design by InnoSmart Technologies.


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Presentation transcript:

November 28th, Simnet View Preliminary Design by InnoSmart Technologies

November 28th, Welcome! Ms. Jami Cotler Lecturer of Computer Science Computer Science Department Siena College Dr. Timoth C. Lederman Professor of Computer Science Computer Science Department Siena College

November 28th, InnoSmart Technologies Kevin Decker Team Leader Shane Leighton Systems Administrator James Mayben Jr. Webmaster Caitlin Sheil Documentarian Andrey Taran Web Developer

November 28th, Order of Events Introduction: Kevin Decker Data Flow & Structure Diagrams & Logical Data Stores: Shane Leighton Test Plan: James Mayben Prototypes: Caitlin Sheil Conclusion: Kevin Decker

November 28th, Problem Definition Simnet Tests Analyzing Test Result Data Accessibility

November 28th, Agenda Introduction Data Flow & Structure Diagrams Logical Data Stores Test Plan Prototypes Conclusion

November 28th, Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) Context Diagram

November 28th, Structure Diagram Simnet View Login Screen Check Name and Password Login Error / Login ScreenMain View (User Mode)Main View (Administrator Mode) Forgot Password Send to Admin

November 28th, Structure Diagram (cont.) Control Panel Report View (Administrator) Change User Password Process Menu Selection Manage Files (Administrator) Move files Copy filesDelete files Store Report (2) Generate new report (2) Main View (Administrator Mode) (2)

November 28th, Structure Diagram (cont.) Generate new report Store report Report View (User) Main view (User mode) (2) Change PasswordProcess Menu Selection (2)

November 28th, Agenda Introduction Data Flow & Structure Diagrams Logical Data Stores Test Plan Prototypes Conclusion Agenda

November 28th, Logical Data Stores USER Username varchar(10) Admin number REPORTS ReportNamevarchar(50) Yearnumber Sessionvarchar(10) Coursevarchar(10)

November 28th, Logical Data Stores (cont.) STUDENTS SVstudentIDnumber Usernamevarchar(15) ReportIDnumber Scorenumber NumCorrectnumber AvgNumTriesnumber

November 28th, Agenda Introduction Data Flow & Structure Diagrams Logical Data Stores Test Plan Prototypes Conclusion Agenda

November 28th, Test Plan 12. Manage Accounts: Administrator Screen Nu m NameDescription State Before Test State After TestInput Steps to be Executed Expected Output CommentsPass/Fail 12.1 Load PageAdministrator : Manage Accounts Screen Loads Properly Administrator Welcome Screen Administrator: Manage Accounts Screen None Screen displays Faculty: Change Password Screen properly in web browser 12.2Home Home Link is clicked and released Administrator : Manage Accounts Screen Administrator Welcome Screen NoneRedirected to Administrator Welcome Screen Screen displays Administrator Welcome screen properly in web browser 12.3 Manage Account / Password Manage Account / Password link is clicked and released Administrator : Manage Accounts Screen NoneRedirected to Administrator: Manage Accounts Screen Screen displays Administrator: Manage Accounts Screen properly in web browser 12.4 Manage Files Manage Files link is clicked and released Administrator : Manage Accounts Screen Administrator Manage Files Screen NoneRedirected to Administrator: Manage Files Screen Screen displays Administrator Manage Files Screen properly in web browser 12.5 LogoutLogout link is clicked and released Administrator : Manage Accounts Screen Simnet View Login Screen NoneRedirected to Simnet View Login Screen Screen displays Login screen properly in web browser

November 28th, Test Plan (cont.) 12. Manage Accounts: Administrator Screen NumNameDescription State Before Test State After Test Input Steps to be Executed Expected Output CommentsPass/Fail 12.6 Passw ord non- match Password and Retype Password Fields do not Match Administra tor: Manage Accounts Screen New Password = “password text ” Retype Password = “passWORD text” Validate password datum and retype password datum fields match (case sensitive) Notice of Invalid Attempt: Please make sure password fields match 12.7 Invali d addres s field does not contain character Administra tor: Manage Accounts Screen = johndoe Validate field matches regular expression Notice of Invalid Attempt: Please make sure field contains character 12.8 Reset Reset button is clicked and released Administra tor: Manage Accounts Screen NoneClear all fields within window Screen displays original Pop- Up Window information properly in web browser 12.9 Mana ge Succe ssful Attem pt Username field is recognized within database, password fields match, and valid address field when Submit button is clicked and released Administra tor: Manage Accounts Screen Username = Selection New Password = “password ” Retype Password = “password” = Validate information within all fields meet requirements containing data from window is sent to both administrators for verification

November 28th, Agenda Introduction Data Flow & Structure Diagrams Logical Data Stores Test PlanPrototypes Conclusion Agenda

November 28th, Prototypes: Login

November 28th, Prototypes: Forgot Password

November 28th, Prototypes: Home

November 28th, Prototypes: Manage Accounts

November 28th, Prototypes: Change Password

November 28th, Prototypes: View Reports

November 28th, Prototypes: Class Data

November 28th, Prototypes: Student Summary

November 28th, Prototypes: Student Data

November 28th, Prototypes: Question

November 28th, Prototypes: Manage Files

November 28th, Prototypes: Copying Files

November 28th, Agenda Introduction Data Flow & Structure Diagrams Logical Data Stores Test Plan PrototypesConclusion Agenda

November 28th, Linear Sequential Model Software Plan Requirements Specification Preliminary Design Detailed Design Acceptance Test Key: Text – In Progress Text – Completed Text - T.B.D.

November 28th, Timeline (Gantt Chart)

November 28th, Introduction Data Flow & Structure Diagrams Logical Data Stores Test Plan Prototypes Conclusion Topics Covered

November 28th, Supporting Documentation Software Plan: September 21 st, 2007 Requirements Specification: October 26 th, 2007 Preliminary Design: November 28 th, 2007 Detailed Design: February 2008 Acceptance Test: April 2008

November 28th, Thank You! Simnet View Questions? Preliminary Design