Basic Financial Calculations MGT 4850 Spring 2008 University of Lethbridge
Topics Net Present Value Internal Rate of Return Future Value Pension and accumulation problem Continuously Compounded Interest
PV and NPV Discount rate10% Present value$379.08<-- =NPV(B2,B7:B11) Cash Yearflow
Exact NPV problem in Excel Discount rate10% Net present value-20.92<-- =G7+NPV(G2,G8:G12) Cash Yearflow
IRR 7.931%<-- =IRR(B19:B24) NPV For discount rate 10% Cash Yearflow
Loan amortization
Loan amortization 2
1 step calculate IRR
Multiple Internal Rates of Return Discount rate6% NPV-3.99<-- =NPV(B3,B9:B13)+B8 Cash Yearflow
Multiple Internal Rates of Return
Table Highlight the table area Activate the command Data/Table
Bond Cash Flows
Loan Amortzation
Future Value Problems
Annuity problems
Compounding periods Continuous compounding
Continuous discounting
Continuous Return