Eulerian View In the Lagrangian view each body is described at each point in space. Difficult for a fluid with many particles. In the Eulerian view the points in space are described. Bulk properties of density and velocity
Fluid Change A change in a property like pressure depends on the view. In the Lagrangian view the total time derivative depends on position and time. The Eulerian view uses just the partial derivative with time. Points in space are fixedPoints in space are fixed
Compressibility A change in pressure on a fluid can cause deformation. Compressibility measures the relationship between volume change and pressure. Usually expressed as a bulk modulus B Ideal liquids are incompressible. V p
Volume Change Consider a fixed amount of fluid in a volume V. Cubic, Cartesian geometryCubic, Cartesian geometry Dimensions x, y, z.Dimensions x, y, z. The change in V is related to the divergence. Incompressible fluids must have no velocity divergenceIncompressible fluids must have no velocity divergence
Jacobian Tensor A general coordinate transformation can be expressed as a tensor. Partial derivatives between two systemsPartial derivatives between two systems Jacobian N N real matrixJacobian N N real matrix Inverse for nonsingular Jacobians.Inverse for nonsingular Jacobians. Cartesian coordinate transformations have an additional symmetry. Not generally true for other transformationsNot generally true for other transformations
Transformation Gradient The components of a gradient of a scalar do not transform like a position vector. Inverse transformation Covariant behavior Position is contravariant Gradients use a shorthand index notation.
Volume Element An infinitessimal volume element is defined by coordinates. dV = dx 1 dx 2 dx 3dV = dx 1 dx 2 dx 3 Transform a volume element from other coordinates. components from the transformationcomponents from the transformation The Jacobian determinant is the ratio of the volume elements. x1x1 x2x2 x3x3
Continuity Equation A mass element must remain constant in time. Conservation of massConservation of mass Combine with divergence relationship. Write in terms of a point in space.
Streamlines A streamline follows the tangents to fluid velocity. Lagrangian view Dashed lines at left Stream tube follows an area A streakline (blue) shows the current position of a particle starting at a fixed point. A pathline (red) tracks an individual particle. Wikimedia image
Rotational Flow The curl of velocity measures rotation per unit area. Stokes’ theorem Fluid with zero curl is irrotational. Transform to rotating system with zero curl Defines angular velocity next