ACADEMIC CAREER OF WOMEN AT THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY ( ) Dr. Georgeta Nazarska, Bulgarian Association of University Women
ACCESS OF BULGARIAN WOMEN AS LECTURERS TO THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY ( ) Dr. Elissaveta Karamichailova the first Associated Professor, in Nuclear Physics (1939) Theodora Raikova- Kovacheva the first Assistant Professor (1918) at the Sofia University, in Inorganic Chemistry Zhana Nikolova – Galabova Associated Professor, in German Literature Dr. Zhivka Dragneva the first Lecturer, in German Language ( ) Graph 1: Percent of women obtained academic ranks, : 1.Assistant Professors (yellow) 2.Lecturers (blue) 3.Associated Professors (red)
WOMEN LECTURERS AT THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY (1940s-1950s) Dismissals and appointments due to political reasons. Academic career and political loyalty The total number of women increased at the hard of access (so called ‘higher’) faculties Vertical mobility + doctoral theses and doctoral degrees; + positions of Deans (Slava Mitovska, Faculty of Law, ) Horizontal mobility + specializations; - ‘migrations’ to another scientific institutions; - women were ‘pushed out’ from the main branches of science
WOMEN LECTURERS AT THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY (1960s-1980s) Faculty ofHistoryLaw Age at the moment of contracting, in average30 years 27 years Period between contracting and habilitation, in average 13,1 years12,7 years Period between receiving of ‘Associate Professor’ and of ‘Full Professor’ ranks 16 years9,7 years Faculty ofHistoryLaw Women are concentrated in so called ‘periphery’ disciplines Ethnology; Archeology; Methodics (In-Service Training)Labour Law; Property Law; Family Law; Constitutional Law ; Civil Law
POWER POSITIONS OF THE FEMALE TEACHING STAFF AT THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY (1960s-1990s) Periods/ Positions1960s-1980s1990s21 st century RectorsNo women Vice Rectors1 ( )1 ( )No women Nomination for Rector No women 2003 Deans1 ( ) Prof. Maya Pencheva, Vice Rector ( ), nominated for Rector (2003) Prof. Hristina Mircheva, (the fourth one), Dean of Faculty of History ( )
WOMEN IN THE STAFF OF THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY (in the beginning of the 21 st century) Faculty of History, % Women Assistant Professors Women Associated Professors Women Full Professors Total staff43,34015 Women46,6503 Graph 1: Percent of women with academic ranks - Assistants, Associated Professors, Full Professors - in the faculties of: Law (blue); History (purple)
WOMEN LECTURERS AT THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY (in the beginning of the 21 st century) Faculty of Journalism and Mass CommunicationPhilosophyHistory Economics and Business Administration % Women Lecturers51,342,939,237,8 Maximum at the Departments ofRadio and TV Social Work and Educational PsychologyArcheology Business Administration Minimum at the Departments of Communication and Public Relations PhilosophyByzantine and Balkan History Statistics and Econometrics Horizontal Segregation Vertical Segregation
POWER POSITIONS OF FEMALE TEACHING STAFF AT THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY (in the beginning of the 21 st century) Sofia University (2006) Ratio of women, % Rector0 Vice Rectors0 Deans26,7 Deputy Deans39,1 Principals of the University Departments67,0 Members of the Academic Senate17,8 Members of the Faculty Councils, in average14,5 Chairs of Departments, in average37,5
POWER POSITIONS OF WOMEN TEACHING STAFF AT THE SOFIA UNIVERSITY (in the beginning of the 21 st century) Graph 1: Percent of women as Deans, Deputy Deans (in red) and Chairs of Departments (in yellow) at the Sofia University, 2006: 1. Faculty of Slavic Studies 2. Faculty of Philosophy 3. Faculty of Geology and Geography Graph 2: Percent of women as Chairs of Departments at the Faculties of: 1. Classical and Modern Philology; 2. Education; 3. Philosophy etc. (the last ones – Faculty of Chemistry, Physics, Theology), 2006