Automatic Annotation of Transport Proteins M. Braga Lin T. L. J. Meidanis
TC vs. EC Transport commission Homologous proteins go together Transport Classification (TC) page Enzyme commission Homologous proteins not necessarily go together International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB) nomenclature page
Benchmark Xylella fastidiosa transport analysis 2830 proteins Meidanis, Braga, Verjovski-Almeida (2002), Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, to appear.
PSI Blast – Xylella proteins CorrectWrong A B C % over total of 2830 proteins
Why algorithm B errs Ntops smaller than needed – role? Misses family, gets superfamily No convergence in PSI-BLAST Same example in more than one family
Acknowledgments FAPESP Ludwig Institute / Butantã Foundation CNPq