Mobile Communications Lauren Capizzi CIS 101 Dr. Bruce White SP 2004/10:00
The Telegraph The telegraph was invented in 1837 by Samuel F. B. Morse It was a machine that used electricity to relay messages The telegraph was able to link countries all around the world and opened the door for mass communication.
The Telephone Invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell It was a device that could transmit human voice to a listener Comes from the Greek words ‘tele’ meaning far and ‘phone’ meaning sound
The First Cellular Phones They were first introduced in the form of a car-phone in the early 1950’s In the early 1980’s, there were less than 1 million cell phone subscribers The first generation of cell phones, the analog phones, were a colossal leap for mobile communication around the world
Digital vs. Analog Phones Digital has more information and a high efficiency network Known for the quality of sound Has a longer battery life More current features on phones Analog is known for it’s wide coverage range Analog is also cheaper than digital service
What to expect in Future Cell Phones: People will be able to find friends or family using practical mapping services Better mobile solutions Easier hands free capabilities High speed data access, high quality video cameras and TV’s are also on the horizon