ASIST Website Redesign Final Proposal By P. Lucas-Stannard
Introduction ASIST is the premiere information organization, “leading the search for new and better theories, techniques, and technologies,” ASIST’s website should reflect this. The goal of this project is to ensure that the ASIST website reflects ASIST’s vision of: Advancing knowledge Providing analysis Valuing theory, research, applications, and service. Nurturing new perspectives Increasing public awareness
Introduction Incorporate cutting-edge technologies to deliver a dynamic and usable experience for visitors. Create a meaningful and consistent navigation scheme. In order to accomplish this the new site will: Be geared toward ASIST’s target audience: Potential Members Members Vendors General public (to increase public awareness)
Introduction Avoid confusion by securing rights to and mapping there from Create a product branding that will have impact on users through the use of colors and logos. Incorporate the Mission and Vision of ASIST on the homepage through a well- developed taxonomy.
Current ASIST Site Latest News and the next Conference are the most visible. Cons: Logo shows secondary to main title. No obvious navigation scheme No consistent navigation on subsequent pages. URL is not but from the organizations previous title.
Current ASIST Site Join Now is highly visible. Pros: Good tagline. Has both search and site map functions. Simple page, few images.
Current ASIST Site Primary navigation is hidden in a drop down menu. This is the main content of the site and it is arranged alphabetically. We want to make this information more visible.
Site Specifications Consistent navigation from top 5 website functions. This will take the most frequently used tasks out of hiding in the current drop down navigation. Quick access to frequently used items like SIGs and Chapters. Highly used by members but too numerous for homepage real estate. Members login for member’s only access and membership information. Allows the website to have sections that are member’s only, i.e. digital library full-text, membership directory, etc. Quick search of the new ASIST digital library. ASIST is one of the leading publishers in information science, this will bring this to the website.
Site Specifications A single conference registration form and tracking. With a login functionality, users should be able to track information on all of the upcoming conferences of interest. Consistent “look and feel” throughout all pages. Create website branding and identify when users are leaving the ASIST site. A site-wide search and site index. Organized by navigation and alphabetically. Compliance with current web standards.
Navigation System The navigation system consists of the top 5 “areas” of the site based on the user concept map: Concept Map
Navigation System The navigation system consists of the top 5 “areas” of the site: About That part of the site that deals with ASIST as an organization, including: Mission Vision History General Information
Navigation System The navigation system consists of the top 5 “areas” of the site: Membership That part of the site that is geared toward potential members. Includes: Membership benefits Explanation of membership types Membership forms
Navigation System The navigation system consists of the top 5 “areas” of the site: Events That part of the site that has information of ASIST conferences and other events. Includes: A “my conferences” login where users can view their upcoming conferences. Event descriptions with links to event sites. A single registration form with member login that will pre-fill the form with membership information.
Navigation System The navigation system consists of the top 5 “areas” of the site: Publications Publications is a major part of what ASIST does. Includes: Bookstore Digital Library Information for authors Upcoming publications
Navigation System The navigation system consists of the top 5 “areas” of the site: Publications Area of the site for “members only”. Includes: Information on how to get involved SIGs and Chapters Login to manage membership information
Navigation System The site also has quick links to: Site Search Contact Info and Site Map
Navigation System Direct Member login on the homepage Quick links to SIGs and Chapters Quick Search of Digital Library
Labeling System The labeling system is based on terms used in the current site and commonly used by other comparable sites. Events and Publications are commonly used and literal. Other sections use mini-sentences to help users complete the sentence “I want to…” Membership Info = Become a Member About Us = Learn about ASIST
Labeling System Each page is grouped into one of 5 groups based on the navigation: About Member Info Events Publications Members Pages are cross-linked with other categories: Blueprint
Bringing together Navigation, Labeling, and Branding: ASIST Redesigned site
Site Content and Maintenance ASIST will be responsible for providing page content. After production, ASIST will be responsible for all maintenance of site and content unless a Maintenance plan is purchased.
Billing Information* Custom Redesign: $40 per hour for Development $20 per hour for Administrative Maintenance Same rates apply, $100 per month minimum Free hosting Hosting Included in Maintenance cost, or $10 per month for 5G of data transfer forwarding Website tracking FTP access Domain Name Support *