Series A 6-8
Here is a detail of the previous chart for the years around WW II. Note that “Armed Forces” means total population including Armed Forces.
Series D Average Daily Wage Rates of Artisans, Laborers, and Agricultural Workers, in the Philadelphia Area: 1785 to 1830
Selected from Series D Why do you think wages for these workers rose in the early 1860s?
The sum of all of these equal 100 in any one year. This shows the relative importance of different regions. What do you think has happened since 1970?
This and previous graph from Series F 287—296 This graph shows the relative levels of per capita income across regions. Why do you think the average incomes have been getting closer together?
Series L
Series R Postal Service---Post Office, Revenues & Expenditures.
Series Q Motor-Vehicle Registrations
Series Q Railroad Mileage and Equipment: 1830 to 1890
Why are there two values reported for 1862? What happened to railroad construction in the 20 th Century?