C. 4 假設語氣的用法 I. 條件式(conditional)的假設語


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Presentation transcript:

C. 4 假設語氣的用法 I. 條件式(conditional)的假設語 A. 事實條件式(??factual conditionals)--現在及未來式 B. 非事實條件式(??unreal conditionals) --現在及過去式 C. Wish的用法:過去與現在式 II. 假設法語氣(subjunctive)

假設語氣的用法I 條件式(conditional)的假設語: 為表達一種希望,然這希望卻須在某種條件下才可能發生的: If he were here, I would be much happier. (解釋: 因為他不在這兒,所以我不特別快樂) Jane said that if she were twenty years old, she would live in Egypt. (解釋:Jane的條件須為20歲才能住Egypt;然而她現在已不是了,所以無法住在Egypt)

A. 事實條件式--現在式 1. 由If子句和結果子句組合. 2. 所表述的為一般事實或科學的實證;兩個子句動詞均用簡單現在式. If it’s 8a.m. in Chia-Yi, it’s 5p.m. in Tucson. = It is 5p.m. in Tucson if it’s 8a.m. in Chia-Yi.

A. 事實條件式--現在式 3. 也可表達一種習慣或經常性發生的事情;此時If子句可用簡單現在式或現在進行式表達;結果子句則只用簡單現在式. E.g. If Jane goes to bed, she puts stuff animals by her side.(=Jane puts stuff animals by her side if she goes to bed.) E.g. If he cannot fall asleep, he watches old movies.(=He watches old movies if he cannot sleep.)

A. 事實條件式--現在式 4. 在結果子句可用命令式語氣的動詞以表述指令或邀請的句子. Go swimming if you want to lose weight. If you want to live happy, live simple. Finish the project if you want to graduate.

A. 事實條件式--現在式 5. 問句: Do people in Tanzania suffer from drought if it doesn’t rain? Yes, they do./No, they don’t. Will the train station in Germany close down if the storm hits? Yes, it will./No, it won’t.

A. 事實條件式--未來式 1. 在假設語裡,結果子句以未來式陳述,為的是表達在某一情形下可能將發生的事: e.g. If the car is not ready in thirty minutes, the gangster will kill the hostage. E.g. The police will shot at the thief if he’s going to run. **雖然結果子句的動詞為未來式,If子句的動詞仍為現在式.

A. 事實條件式--未來式 2. If 和Unless均在假設語句中出現;不過意義上不盡相同.Unless陳述負面的條件句. E.g. If a robbery occurs, the alarm will be activated. E.g. Unless a robbery occurs, the alarm will not be activated.= If a robbery doesn’t occur, the alarm will not be activated.

A. 事實條件式--未來式 3. 問句: Is the thief going to run if the police pulls out their guns? Yes, he will./ No, he won’t. Will the alarm go off if a robbery occurs?

非事實條件式--現在式 1. 形容不真實,不可能發生或想像不到的事: e.g. I would live in Africa if I were in my twenties.= If I were in my twenties, I would live in Africa. (解釋:事實上我已非二十幾歲,所以我不可能住在Africa) e.g. If Sarah had a billion dollar, she would build a public library.(解釋:但Sarah沒有one billion dollar,所以她無法建一座圖書館)

非事實條件式--現在式 注意事項!! 1. 在If子句中的動詞為簡單過去式,結果子句則為would + 原形動詞. 2. 雖然If子句動詞為過去式,然而句子本身並不是過去式:e.g. If Zoe were tall, she would reach the roof. 3.Would have的縮寫: would’ve Would not have= wouldn’t have

非事實條件式--現在式 4. 若If子句為Be動詞,則一律用were(不論是第一或第三人稱): e.g.If she were daring, she would run after the thief. 5.有些句子可能以“If I were you…”為起頭,通常這些句子有給與建議的意味:e.g. If I were you, I would save up money and travel around the world.

非事實條件式--過去式 1. 句型: If….過去完成式, would have + 過去分詞 If子句 結果子句 e.g. If James had had courage, he would have gone skydiving. (= James would have gone skydiving if he had had courage.)

非事實條件式--過去式 2. 這類句子所表達的為一個過去從未發生過的情況和結果: e.g. If she had left the pub earlier, she would not have met the drunk on the street. (解釋: 假設情況:她提前離開pub骯;她並沒遇見醉漢. 事實情況:然而她未提前離開pub,所以她遇到一醉漢)

非事實條件式--過去式 3. 此種句型的句子也可用來表示後悔的心情: 3. 此種句型的句子也可用來表示後悔的心情: e.g. If I hadn‘t gone to the party for five hours, I would have finished my paper by now. (解釋:我後悔去了舞會,導致報告還未結束) e.g. If she had learnt the skill well, she would have finished the task fine. (解釋:她後悔沒學好該有的技術)

Wish的用法:過去和現在式 1. wish + 過去式* = 表達目前並非真實卻希望成真的願望. *在此種句型中,動詞Be均為“were”. E.g. Zoe wishes she were a famous pianist. (解釋: Zoe不是一位有名的鋼琴家,但她希望她是) 2. wish + 過去完成式= 表達對過去事情有所後悔. E.g. Jeff wishes he had worked harder on his thesis. (解釋:Jeff並不認真的寫論文,而現在則悔不當初)

Wish的用法:過去和現在式 3. Wish + would* =以表達抱怨或後悔的語氣: I wish you would behave yourself, especially in front of your children. *would不可用will代替. 4. Wish + could* =以表達能力的句子: Joji wishes he could spend less in shopping to save up more money for travelling. *could不可用can代替.

假設語氣的用法II 假設法語氣(subjunctive): 1. 表達想像或希望一件事情的發生(假想一種情況),通常為一件重要的事情: It is necessary that we hand in the demo to the producer by the end of this month. = If we were to hand in the demo by the end of this month, the producer would be happy.

假設語氣的用法II 2. 常見句型: It is important/necessary/ vital/essential + that…+ 命令式動詞(原型動詞) 常見動詞: request, demand, insist, suggest,…+ that The committee requests that you attend tomorrow morning. He suggests that you be punctual.

假設語氣的用法II 3. 在這些句子中,不論是現在或過去式,動詞皆為原型: It is essential that she practice cello every day. It was essential that she practice cello every day. He asked that they not shout. He asks that they not shout.

假設語氣的用法II 4. 有時在這些句子中,由於一件事情的重要性,會用should + 原型動詞: James insists that we should stay longer. It is vital that Daisy should not be late.