FOTO Implementation Scenarios for 4D CAD in Practice Marcel Broekmaat (HBG / Royal BAM Group) Bauke de Vries (TU/e)
bam consultancy and engineering2 4D CAD
bam consultancy and engineering3 Research goals Work flow How does 4D CAD fit in the existing working procedures, or is another procedure necessary? Data management Is the data needed for 4D CAD available in the right format from the existing CAD systems and planning systems? User requirements Can construction managers handle the application and does it support their work? Organisational requirements How is 4D CAD related to the other business processes (finances, resource management, document management, risc management, etc.)?
bam consultancy and engineering4 Research method Participatory research Shipping center Rotterdam World Trade Center Amsterdam Ivinzn (Stanford University – CIFE) Questionnaire / Interviews Hands On Session - Experiment Process modeling
bam consultancy and engineering5 Invizn Scheduled activities 4D CAD components Activity types 3D CAD components
bam consultancy and engineering6 Example
bam consultancy and engineering7 Shipping Center Rotterdam Experiment: 4D simulation presentation to foremen Task: Mention 3 most import construction issues Result: Differences between for and after presentation
bam consultancy and engineering8 Experiment: Analysis of construction planning Results: Improved insight in construction sequence by subcontractors World Trade Center Amsterdam
bam consultancy and engineering9 3D/4D modeling process Experiences “captured” Guideline for future 4D models
bam consultancy and engineering10 Hands-On Session
bam consultancy and engineering11 Work methods UML current work method (AS IS) UML SAP work method (TO BE) UML desired work method (TO BE) UML 4D supported work method (AS IS) work method software functonality work method Like current situation, 4D software is used as an extension Integrated work method Fast generation of alternative models Integrated work method, using SAP [and SAP WBS] - NO 3D/4D! Paper based PowerProject software
bam consultancy and engineering12 Transition scenarios UML current work method (AS IS) UML SAP work method (TO BE) UML desired work method (TO BE) UML 4D supported work method (AS IS) work method software functonality work method
bam consultancy and engineering13 Conclusions Naming convention Databases Facilitation of 4D model creation Consistency! ERP software Most effective basis for cooperative and integrated work method Organisation structure of projects Greatly influences opportunities for effectuation of intended work methods Design & Build seems most valuable
FOTO Questions ? Broekmaat/