CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Resolvability of References in Users’ Personal Collections Nishikant Kapoor, John T Butler, Gary C Fouty, James A Stemper, Joseph A Konstan GroupLens Research Group and University Libraries University of Minnesota
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Personal Collections u Class projects è Students, faculty u Research papers, proposals, workshops è Academics, industry u Collaborate with fellow researchers è Within and across groups è Intra and inter disciplinary
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 User Profile u Users’ online personal reference collections è Represent users’ profile è Research interests è Research collaborations è Single collections è Diverse è Multiple collections è Task based è Workgroup based
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Research Objectives u Understand è Users’ personal collections u Define è Users’ profile u Develop è Personalized digital library services such as reference recommender system
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Research Questions u How can we utilize users’ personal collections to offer them personalized services? è Can references in users’ personal collections be resolved to unique identifiers? è How many of those do actually resolve to a unique online identifier? è How can we enhance resolvability of references in these collections?
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Our Approach u Most research work focuses on mining u Textual content of references è Implicitly rated citations in the reference section u Our focus is users’ personal collections è Identifying them to a unique ID è Use these collections as an implicit means to define users’ profile
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Data Collection u RefWorks users è 96 collections è 30,336 references è Two outliers (4000+ and 7000+)
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Resolvability u A reference is resolvable if it has è A valid unique ID that leads to its online source: DOI, URL, ISBN è URL may or may not be unique è Enough information to resolve it to its online source è All references that can be represented using a valid unique ID, are potentially resolvable (assuming they exist online).
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Potential Resolvability Total potentially resolvable references: 24, ,216 = 27,557 (90.84%)
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Refs With Actual IDs Ref TypeDOIISBNURL Journal3, Conf Proc.3 Book Whole 777 Book Edited 15 Monograph1 Report16 Ref TypeDOIISBNURL Generic36 Web Page14 Newspaper Article 5 Book Section 1 Map1 Hearing1 Totals3,
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Actual Resolvability ID is present:ID actually resolved: 3, = 5,180 (17.07%)1, = 3,247 (10.70%)
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 External Resolvers u DOI and OpenURL Query Interfaces è Reference resolver at u ISBN Query Interfaces è Reference resolver at u URL Validation è Validated existence of URL, not its accuracy è Did not attempt to retrieve reference ID
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Resolvability Computation Resolvability = = 12,513 (41.25%)
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Concerns u Not all intellectual content is digitized yet è If an ID could not be retrieved programmatically, we assumed the reference is un-resolvable. u Using additional reference resolvers could enhance resolvability further u Privacy concerns è Users’ private collections MUST remain private
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Limitations u Dataset è Too diverse to form meaningful correlations among users è Very small to develop CF based DL services
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Summary and Results u Potential resolvability è Over 90% of the total references in users’ personal collections could possibly have a valid ID (DOI, ISBN, URL) u Available resolvability è About 17% references had a valid ID u Actual resolvability è Fewer than 11% references resolved successfully u Enhanced resolvability è Over 41% of total references could be resolved
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Future Work u Understand how users maintain their personal reference collections è What tools and methods do they use è Import, hand-typed, cut ‘n’ paste u Understand how truly do these collections represent users’ profile? u What degree of reference overlap can we expect among the collections of different users?
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Thanks! u NSF u RefWorks (
CoLIS 6, Boras, Sweden, 13 – 16, Aug 2007 Resolvability of References in Users’ Personal Collections Nishikant Kapoor Questions?