Community Based Health Research Bill Jenkins, Ph.D., MPH Centers for Disease Control & Morehouse School of Medicine Presented to the Fourth Annual Summer Public Health Research Institute on Minority Health
The Black - White Mortality and Morbidity Gap : Why does it persist? Discrimination Culture
Community Participatory Research (CPR) - Possible Solution zOvercoming distrust zIncreasing acceptance
Levels of Community Participatory Research zCommunity notification: inform the community of the intentions of the research risks and benefits relating to the individuals and communities involved. zCommunity endorsement: community representatives are asked to formally support the research activities. zCommunity advice: seeking and obtaining community advice in planning, development, execution, and dissemination of the research.
Levels of Community Participatory Research zCommunity consent: obtaining some expression of community approval zCommunity organization: research purpose and goals set by expressed community needs
Components of Community Competence zCollaborate:in identifying the problem zAchieve:consensus on goals and priorities zAgree:on ways and means zCollaborate:actions
The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro male ( ) : An Example of CPR zCommunity Notification Black Churches / Businesses zCommunity Endorsement White Businesses Establishment zCommunity Advice The Institute
The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro male ( ) : An Example of CPR zCommunity Consent Macon County Medical Society zCommunity Origination The Negro Health Movement zCultural Competence Nurse Eunice Rivers
Barriers to CPR zRespect for Community Competencies zWillingness to share (Power) zAccepting another perspective zRace / Racism