GDA Corp. GIS Expert System for Riparian Buffer Delineation and LC mapping Riparian Buffer GIS Meeting Annapolis, MD February 6, 2007 Dmitry L. Varlyguin GDA Corp.
GDA Corp. Current State of Art SWs can do everything and more. I.e., they are generic Why, after so many years of GIS and RS development, riparian buffer and LC mapping is still a difficult, time consuming, expensive, and not (always) accurate undertaking? pixel is the king spectral info is the focus, and typically the only focus one line of evidence temporal, resolution, & accuracy differences / mismatch among datasets
GDA Corp. GDA Approach: RBMapper Task Specific GIS Expert System Uses of Multiple Lines of Evidence - Spectral - Spatial - Contextual / Pattern / Association - Ancillary Data Highly Automated yet Interactive From Global to Scene Specific Knowledge Base on LC Properties Iterative, Hierarchical Self-Learning Works with High-Resolution Imagery
GDA Corp. RBMapper Maps separately various water classes - streams / rivers - fresh water bodies (lakes, ponds) - salt water bodies Builds stream network Maps water buffers - simple, “flat surface” distance - true surface distance - from any water class or a combination of classes - from modeled maximum water extent Maps LC within the buffers - water, ground vegetation, forest / tree cover, bare ground - clouds and cloud shadows In process accuracy assessment and editing Calculates various stats for each scene processed
GDA Corp. RBMapper
Ancillary Water Lake/Pond River / Stream Locations !?
GDA Corp. RBMapper: Water
GDA Corp. RBMapper: Buffers
GDA Corp. RBMapper: Max Water Level Rules: - Bare soil / ground adjacent to water - Within a specified max distance from the water - Within a specified max height difference of the water area
GDA Corp. RBMapper: Vegetation
GDA Corp. RBMapper: Tree vs Ground Veg
GDA Corp. RBMapper: Forest Filter
GDA Corp. ValueDescription 0Background / no value 1Stream / river water 2Fresh water body 3Salt water body 4Water present in the ancillary dataset but not spectrally confirmed 5Water spectrally detected but not confirmed by the ancillary datasets 6Ground vegetation 7Forest vegetation 8Bare ground 9Riparian buffer area 10Cloud 11Cloud shadow RBMapper: Output LC Classes
GDA Corp. Output statistics for input file C:\imagery\ikonos\po_47932_ \po_47932_pan_ tif Report generated on Tue Jan 30 17:47: Landcover percentages for identified buffer area in footprint: Total buffer area (square meters): Percent forest: Percent ground vegetation: Percent bare ground: Landcover percentages for pixels adjacent to water in footprint: Total area (square meters): Percent forest: Percent ground vegetation: 9.21 Percent bare ground: 9.10 Number of gaps: 923 Min / Mean / Max gap size (4m x 4m pixels): 1, 8.71, Buffer generation settings: Buffer radius: 100 meters Water type(s) buffered from: Streams Distance measure using: True surface distance Distance measured from: Max water level RBMapper: Output Stats
GDA Corp. Introduction of a more detailed LC classification Enhancement of statistical analysis Extension to other imagery Offering services for riparian buffer delineation and LC mapping RBMapper licensing RBMapper: Plans
GDA Corp. Innovation Park at Penn State University 200 Innovation Blvd., Suite 234 State College, PA tel: fax: web: For More Information For More Information * To obtain a demo copy of RBMapper, * with questions and comments about the RBMapper software, RBMapper licensing, and GDA services for riparian buffer delineation and LC mapping please contact GDA Corp. at