Heyyyyy Kids Have you been getting bored of the regular Plutonium Pets© ? Do you want more dangerous elements? Or do you want more Plutonium?
If you said yes then click here!!!!!!
Plutonium Pets It’s plutonium, it’s a pet, it’s a plutonium pet
Fun traits of Plutonium Pets Made in USA from radioactive waste Fun to play with Guaranteed to get you in the ER and hooked on life support Guaranteed to get you green Glows in the dark Never gets old Perfect pet without the mess! Naturally made from nuclear power plant waste
Now with a limited time offer, you can get plutonium pets in different heavy metals such as: Uranium Neptunium Technetium Amercanium Californium Lead Mercury Actinium Protactium Curuim Einsteinium Ununoctium And those are only the beginning
You can also chose what your plutonium pet is made out of. Limitations include that it must be radioactive or dangerous to your health. If you didn’t want those, you can chose extra plutonium!!!!!
More Dangerous Elements= More Fun
If you can’t afford a new Plutonium Pet, we can upgrade you previous Plutonium Pet to the element you want With the charge of $5.99
Also will this offer Plutonium Pets are 50% off Yes, 50% off, that is $10.99 Plus Shipping and Handling
Just remember
Plutonium Pets It’s plutonium, it’s a pet, it’s a Plutonium Pet
We aren’t responsible for any of the following items: Deaths Life support Radiation sickness Going into the ER Any kind of hospitalization Deformation Turning green Cancer Stroke Indigestion Swine Flu Spanish Flu Bird Flu Human Flu Any type of Plague Random Deaths Snoring Random Pregnancies HIV AIDS Cold Sores Change of Sex Growing another body part Viral infection Tuberculosis Seizures Meningitis Gingilis Multiplying of cats around you Body Parts disappearing Becoming a TV host Becoming part of Star Wars Cloning yourself Bacterial Infection Hypertension Thoughts of suicide Depression High Blood Pressure Becoming a cow (common) Becoming any type of animal Becoming Bear Grills
Call plutonium-pets You must be 5 or older to order.