Period Run Coordinator Shift Guide Period Run Coordinator Shift Guide Updated on PRC Guide
you are registered at CERN, have access rights to the ACR (and cafeteria), and wear a CERN cell phone you have sufficient overlap with previous PRC get familiar with the experiment and its systems grasp the style of the (short) daily meeting learn about book-keeping (minutes, runs, etc) attend a 14:00 LPC meeting in CCC you get keys for PRC office you decide if you wish to be ‘coffee coordinator’ well in advance if you are too tired, ask the RC for a break 2PRC Guide Before your period starts
detector subsystems and their coordinators DCS, DSS, handshakes, alarms, RP veto, SLIMOS duties, access formalities (access issues are TC matters!) ECS: runs, partitions, locks Accumulated data, beam intensities, etc CTP: configuration, trigger clusters, trigger classes Filling schemes, machine jargon (see list of LHC acronyms on RC website) communication with CCC communication with RC, SL, SRC, and shifters 3PRC Guide Get use to…
ALICE How are you embedded in RC SL ECS/DAQ SRC 4PRC Guide DCS Offline HLT CCC Piquets RC PRC DQM
attend the daily LPC meeting in (CCC) at 08:30 (working days) and 09:00 (weekend) report to SR collect information from and inform SRC chair the daily RC meeting at 17:30 write and send daily RC minutes (post it in eLogbook, too) keep planning and statistics files up-to-date and post them on the web you may attend the trigger meeting. Useful links at attend weekly LPC meeting on Monday at 14:00. Material can be found at 5PRC Guide Tasks I
be present in ACR major part of the day and evening shifts keep track on subsystem and machine status (LHC websites). Transfer information to SRC setup and ensure, with SL, accomplishment of running plan check and ensure that data-taking is going according to plan communicate fluidly with SLs replace SL if necessary mind for a pleasant working atmosphere in ACR and WRs 6PRC Guide Tasks II
7PRC Guide Location of shifters in ACR
ACRALICE control room ACTALICE configuration tool CCCCERN Control Center DCSDetector Control System ECSExperiment Control System ERPEarly Run Partition FSMFinite State Machine LPCLHC Program Coordinator RPERadiation Protection Expert RCRun Coordination SLShift Leader SLIMOSShift Leader In Matters of Safety SMSShift management System SORStart of Run SRCSubsystem Run Coordinator TDIBeam Absorber for Injection (Internal) TEDBeam Absorber for Injection (External) UX25Main underground cavern WRWorking Room 8PRC Guide List of acronyms
ALICE RC LPC LHC project … 9PRC Guide Useful websites