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Presentation transcript:

Pertemuan 03 Komponen SIG : Manajemen Data & Pengguna Matakuliah : T0234 / Sistem Informasi Geografis Tahun : 2005 Versi : 01/revisi 1 Pertemuan 03 Komponen SIG : Manajemen Data & Pengguna

Menjelaskan mengenai komponen SIG : Manajemen Data dan Pengguna Learning Outcomes Pada akhir pertemuan ini, diharapkan mahasiswa akan mampu : Menjelaskan mengenai komponen SIG : Manajemen Data dan Pengguna (C2, TIK03)

Materi 1 : Manajemen Data SIG Materi 2 : Pengguna SIG Outline Materi Materi 1 : Manajemen Data SIG Materi 2 : Pengguna SIG

Peta (tematik, topografi, dll. Manajemen Data SIG (1) Data spasial & non-spasial (atribut) harus diorganisasi-kan secara baik ke dalam sebuah basis data sehingga mudah untuk dipanggil, di-update, dan di-edit. Tabel Laporan Pengukuran Lapangan Citra Satelit Data Digital lain Peta (tematik, topografi, dll. Foto Udara Data lain DATA INPUT Input DATA MANAGEMENT & MANIPULATION Peta Tabel Laporan Informasi digital (softcopy) Output OUTPUT Storage (database) Retrieval Processing

Manajemen Data SIG (2) The Relational Database Model At present, the relational database model dominates GIS (Heywood, p.76, 2002). Many GIS software packages link directly to commercial relational database packages, and others include their own custom-designed relational database software. Some GIS use a relational database to handle spatial as well as attribute data. The relational data model is based on concepts proposed by Codd (1970). 4 stages to entity relationship modeling : the identification of entities, the identification of relationships between entities, the identification of attributes of entities, and the derivation of tables from this

Manajemen Data SIG (3) Linking Spatial and Attribute Data The relationship between GIS and databases varies. (Heywood, p.81, 2002). For a simple raster GIS, where one cell in a layer of data contains a single value that represents the attributes of that cell, a database is not necessary. Here the attribute values are likely to be held in the same file as the data layer itself. However, there are few ‘real’ GIS like this, and those which exist are designed for analysis, rather than attribute data handling.

Manajemen Data SIG (4) Linking Spatial and Attribute Data The improvement is the ability to handle attribute values in a file separate from the raster image. Although this method also lacks the flexibility of a true relational DBMS, it is possible to link the GIS software with proprietary relational DBMS to upgrade the capabilities. Most GIS, particularly vector-based systems, offer a hybrid approach (Batty, 1990; Maquire et al., 1990; Cassettari, 1993) In this case, spatial data are stored as part of the GIS data structure and attribute data are stored in a relational DBMS. This approach allows integration of existing databases with graphics by the allocation of a unique identifier to each feature in the GIS. (See Next Figure)

Manajemen Data SIG (5) Linking Spatial and Attribute Data Hybrid Approach User Interface GIS Tools Graphical Manipulation S / W DBMS Spatial Data Attribute Data ID Co-ordinate 1001 (x1, y1) 1002 (x2, y2) ……. ID Attributes 1001 Name 1 1002 Name 2 …….

Manajemen Data SIG (6) Linking Spatial and Attribute Data Finally, an alternative approach is an extended GIS, where all aspects of the spatial and attribute data are in a single DBMS. Seaborn (1995) considers these “all-relational” GIS to have considerable potential, and cites examples of major organizations such as British Telecom, Electricite de France and New Zealand Lands who have adopted this approach. However, more attention has been focused on the development of object-oriented (OO) approaches to database design. The fundamental aim of the OO model is to allow data modeling that is closer to real-world things and events. (Longley et al., 2001)

Manajemen Data SIG (7) Linking Spatial and Attribute Data In a GIS, each class of object is stored in the form of a database table: each row represents an object and each column is a state. The OO approach is possibly more appropriate for geographical data than relational model, since it allows the modeling of complex, real-world object, does not distinguish between spatial & attribute data and is appropriate for graphics operations. Longley et al. (2001) list 3 features that good for GIS : Encapsulation Inheritance Polymorphism

Pengguna SIG (1) High Application Skill Low Application Skill GIS Analysts : ‘Applications Specialists’ E.q. system manager, analyst, cartographer Computer Technicians : ‘Computer Specialists’ E.q. programmers, data processor, database administrator, digitizing technicians High GIS Skill Managers : ‘Occasional Professionals’ E.q. end-users, decision makers Customers : ‘ The Public ‘ E.q. Customers Low GIS Skill Adopted from Brown(1989), Grimshaw(1994), Eason(1994)

Pengguna SIG (2) GIS Analysts : Applications Specialists System Manager : maintain GIS every time. Have a good understanding of the applications’ context and GIS. Analyst : able to translate the managers’ requirements into real GIS analysis. Have a good understanding of the applications’ context and GIS. Cartographer : help to produce spatial information into GIS They all also have a role in designing and maintaining the GIS, including the development of new application for the system.

Pengguna SIG (3) Managers :Occasional Professionals End Users Decision Makers : required strategic information from the GIS to make decision, but are unlikely ever to use the system in a ‘hands-on’ way. They are more interested in hard-copy output, such as maps. They have a good knowledge of the context of the application, but little GIS knowledge or experience. E.q. : Company directors, managers.

Pengguna SIG (4) Computer Technicians : Computer Specialists Have other responsibility in addition to the GIS. Responsible for the wages and personnel computer system, which has no GIS element. Assist data formatting and input, hardware maintenance and system upgrading. They are not GIS experts. E.q. : Programmer Data Processor D/B Administrator Digitizing Technicians

Pengguna SIG (5) Customers : Public user Using GIS to get spatial information by searching, retrieving, etc. Customers also receive any products or services as a result of the GIS analysts’ manipulations of the customer databases. Do not need to know that it is a GIS they are interacting with. Unlikely to have any business, GIS or computer expertise. They are end-users of the products and services offered by the company.

Penutup Mahasiswa diharapkan telah mampu menjelaskan mengenai komponen SIG, khususnya Manajemen Data dan Pengguna