Leveraging Brand Experiences through Digital Strategies Credentials & Case Studies Licensed Properties Mobile & Social Networking Leveraging Brand Experiences through Digital Strategies Developing Content Strategies through Digital Solutions. African Insights
Leverage Live Brand Experiences Who are we Content for Digital Solutions Digital Strategies EXP DIGI is a marketing agency specialising in using digital strategies to solve real brand-challenges in Africa. We leverage: Live Brand Experiences through digital strategies Develop Content for digital solutions. We are marketers with a digital mindset, not geeks with a digital obsession. Credentials | May 2011
Through our Brand Experience Engine, we use a: Pre-Event During Event Post--Event Through our Brand Experience Engine, we use a: pre-event during-event post-event digital approach to ensure that people who aren’t even at your event can experience both the event and your brand on the edge of their mobile and or PC screens. Credentials | May 2011
Brand Experience Engine Pre-Event During Event Post--Event We enhance the experience that people have at your event and forever etch your Brand and the event into their emotional memory. We drive word-of-relevant-mouth through real and relevant Brand Experiences. Credentials | May 2011
Digital Insights We use our mobile platform to ask Ask Questions Immediate Answers Real and Relevant Involving We use our mobile platform to ask questions that are critical to your brand. Potentially thousands of your target audience answer almost instantly. We give you an insights report that is about business critical knowledge and not just information. Ask 10 000 people important questions and get answers back from them in days. Credentials | May 2011
Content Platforms Branded Content Proprietary Platforms Mobile & Online Right Conversations We have influenced over 200,000 people to download over 1,5 million branded content items from our own mobile and online platforms. We do this by creating content that is so good that it makes them pause. We place your brand in all the right places for you to create the right emotions, conversations and relationships with the people you are targeting. Credentials | May 2011
DIGI Comprehensive Digital Solutions Brand Goal To Budget Measurement We use ‘all things digital’ to achieve your brand objectives. From Facebook to phones, twitter to touch screens, apps to avatars. We use all that is digitally available to achieve all that is instantly necessary. We do this relevant to your budget and to the realities of the target market. We then look at the initial challenge, and measure the performance of the digital solution against it. Simple. Credentials | May 2011
How we do it Here is the golden thread in all our work. SEE Something Digital Mindset SAY Something DO Something Here is the golden thread in all our work. EXP DIGI uses its digital mindset to help brands get their target audiences to We use our digital mindset to help ensure your audience see inspired messaging, say something relevant to or about your brand and do something fundamentally important for your brand. Credentials | May 2011
Leverage Live Brand Experiences Where are we Across Africa Digital Strategies Head Office: Johannesburg Africa Offices: Nairobi, Lagos and Accra Country Reach: South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria Rwanda, DRC, Cameroon, Gabon, Senegal and Mali. Credentials | May 2011
Case Studies Credentials | May 2011 | © exp_digi 2011
Credentials | May 2011 | © exp_digi 2011
Credentials | May 2011 | © exp_digi 2011
Credentials | May 2011 | © exp_digi 2011
Credentials | May 2011 | © exp_digi 2011
Kali Ilunga Contact Us On: E: info@expdigi.biz Thank You! Kali Ilunga Contact Us On: E: info@expdigi.biz