BU/NSF Workshop on I nternet M easurement I nstrumentation C haracterization BU/NSF Workshop on I nternet M easurement I nstrumentation C haracterization Boston University, August 30, 1999 Welcome and Opening Remarks Azer Bestavros
IMIC Workshop at a Glance Session I: Instrumentation & Measurement Chair: Paul Barford Session II: Modeling & Characterization Chair: Mark Crovella Session III: End-to-End Protocols & Services Chair: John Byers Session IV: Network Support for NG Applications Chair: Ibrahim Matta Panel: IMIC Challenges, Opportunities & Initiatives Coordinator: Azer Bestavros
IMIC Workshop Themes IMIC Challenges Common pitfalls in IMIC research Dealing with issues of Internet Scale and Heterogeneity IMIC Opportunities Uncharted research questions/issues Inter/Intra-disciplinary collaborations to be fostered IMIC Initiatives Needed Infrastructure? Funding Initiatives? What is next? Future IMIC meetings
IMIC Workshop Format Three 20-minute presentations per session Please restrict on-line questions to “quick clarifications” 20-minute open discussion at end of session Opportunity for audience to make short statements and to direct questions regarding methodology or assumptions to speakers Panel at end of Workshop One panelist from each session to address workshop theme questions Post Workshop Activities Position statements for possible inclusion in workshop report to NSF
IMIC Workshop: Session I IMIC Workshop: Session I 9:00 AM - 10:20 AM Instrumentation and Measurement Chair: Paul Barford Techniques for Discovering a Map of the Internet Ramesh Govindan, ISI On the Placement of Internet Instrumentation Sugih Jamin, University of Michigan Experience with the Surveyor Active IP Performance Measurement Matt Zekauskas, Advanced Network & Services, Inc.