0 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Understanding Diversity PCL Module 10
1 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Objectives Identify ways in which each of us represents some form of diversity Define the benefits and challenges of collaborating in groups involving persons from diverse backgrounds Consider ways to promote the benefits of diversity in future collaborative situations
2 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Essential Questions In what ways do you see yourself as representing a form of diversity? In what ways have you experienced diversity in groups? In what ways does diversity within groups act as a benefit and challenge to the workings of the group? In what ways might each of us act in the future to promote a greater understanding of diversity and its benefits in collaborative group settings?
3 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Agenda Introduction and Free Write: How do you define diversity and what does it mean in collaborative group settings? (10 minutes) Small group discussion: Building a common understanding of diversity in collaborative group settings (30 minutes) Concluding Group Discussion: What common points emerge from small group discussions? Where do we go from here? (20 minutes)
4 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Introduction and Free Write: Defining Diversity Personally and in Collaborative Group Settings Today’s discussion and activities focus on diversity. Take about 5 minutes to write answers to the following questions: –Think of a time when you have been in a group where the membership of the group includes people from diverse backgrounds. What does diversity mean to you in this situation? –In what ways do you see yourself as representing a form of diversity? –What are the benefits of diversity in these types of group settings? –What personal and/or group challenges do you observe when you are in a group with diverse membership? –What questions do you have for others regarding diversity?
5 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Small group discussion: Building a common understanding of diversity In groups of three – four people, use a round robin format to share your thoughts about each of the questions from the free writing exercise. A facilitator should be identified to lead the group through the questions, while a recorder writes down the group’s responses. A reporter should also be selected to report out results during the large group discussion to follow. At the end of your group’s discussion of each questions, try to record the group’s thoughts in a “statement of common understanding.” Individual ideas that are important but may not be shared by all group members should also be recorded.
6 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Small Group Recording Form Use the appropriate spaces to record your group’s responses to each of the questions: –Think of a time when you have been in a group where the membership of the group includes people from diverse backgrounds. What does diversity mean to you in this situation? Individual responses: Statement of common understanding: Other important ideas:
7 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Small Group Recording Form, continued –In what ways do you see yourself as representing a form of diversity? Individual responses: Statement of common understanding: Other important ideas: –What are the benefits of diversity in these types of group settings? Individual responses: Statement of common understanding: Other important ideas:
8 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Small Group Recording Form, Continued –What personal and /or group challenges do you observe when you are in a group with diverse membership? Individual responses: Statement of common understanding: Other important ideas: –What questions do you have for others regarding diversity? Individual responses: Statement of common understanding: Other important ideas:
9 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Guidelines for the Large Group Discussion Each group’s reporter should now share the “common understandings” and “other important ideas” for each of the questions discussed by the group. Other group members are also free to add observations from their group discussion. As the discussion continues, note common themes among the groups, as well as the differences in responses that you observe.
10 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Concluding Group Discussion: What common points emerge from small group discussions? Different points? How can we support one another in developing a deeper understanding of diversity? How can we support the groups that we work with in recognizing and addressing both the benefits and challenges of diversity within collaborative group settings?
11 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Ideas for supporting one another in developing deeper understandings of diversity We can support one another by: Inviting group members to share their personal stories and backgrounds Holding group discussions that specifically address the common and different experiences of group members Supporting one another in learning the “language of diversity,” e.g. the terms that people representing different groups prefer to use when reference is being made to their group, use of person-first language, etc. Making sure that group processes encourage the participation of all members and recognize the various preferences that group members may have in terms of communication styles, conflict resolution styles, etc. Additional ideas:
12 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Ideas for recognizing and addressing the benefits and challenges of diversity in group settings We can recognize and address benefits and challenges by: Using specific problem-solving processes that invite people to share their diverse perspectives Acknowledging the value of diverse perspectives when we successfully resolve a conflict or come up with a creative solution to a problem Acknowledging when differences in personality style, cultural or ethnic background, experiences, or other forms of diversity are enhancing or challenging the group’s work. Inviting group members to challenge stereotypes that may prohibit deeper understandings of diversity Additional ideas:
13 Understanding Diversity ©2008, University of Vermont and PACER Center Closing Thoughts: Commitments to Action Take one minute to think about an action you might take in a group setting to promote a deeper understanding of diversity and/or to support members of your group in recognizing the role of diverse group members and ideas. Share your idea with a partner or with the whole group. Make a commitment to yourself to take this action the next time it is relevant to a group situation.