MIS 1A – Chapter 5 Internet Tools Fall 2000 David Pai
Objectives Internet Browsers Search Engines URL File Menu Favorites Saving Images
The Internet What is the Internet – Literally means “Between Networks.” Internet is a WAN that allows WANs/LANs to communicate with one another. Access from home via ISP (Internet Service Provider) such as AOL, Earthlink, CSUS, etc… Web Sites – Physical Location of Web Servers Web Pages – Actual item accessed that are designed and maintained by individuals/organization. A collection of which are a Web Site
Browsers Browser is the “application” software that allows users to access the Internet (via an ISP usually) 2 Most Common are: –Netscape Navigator/Communicator –Internet Explorer (Microsoft)
Search Engines Used to help in the access of information by categorizing content by category and/or your search parameters. 2 basic approaches -> Pre-categorized and query based Popular sites include: – – (query based) – (query based) – (query based) – (query based) –
URL URL = Uniform Resource Locator Can think of like mail address. Each site has a unique URL that allows one to access it. Example: - Sac State’s is: Some Standard Extensions are: –EDU – Educational institutions –ORG – Generally not for profit organizations –COM – For profit organizations –GOV – For government organizations
File Menu NEW – Can open new window (instance) of Internet Explorer OPEN – Access new web address by entering a new URL or view a file on your floppy or hard drive SAVE AS – Save current web page to your disk as a html file PRINT – Print the current file SEND – Links to your handler and sends page or URL to someone else
Favorites Eliminates the need for repetitive typing for frequently accessed web sites/pages When at location you access frequently select “Favorites -> Add to favorites” Follow the options provided to create new folders of favorites if desired.
Saving Images To save an image from a website Right- Click on image Select “Save Picture As” Save to your diskette or hard drive as desired
For Wed. Meet in Tahoe 1009 Bring a Diskette to Work With Lab & Practice Exam