Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 1 Introdução à Medicina Introdução à Medicina Guiding Professor: Dra. Cristina Santos Work done by: Class 5
Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 2 Medical students’ attitudes and reported behaviour on academic misconduct Research Work Second Presentation – March 17, 2006
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 3 Introduction
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 4 Honesty Integrity Professionalism
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 5 Other Works At Dundee University Medical School an anonymous questionnaire revealed that medical students could tell right from wrong, but also that their behaviour was not what they considered right (S C Rennie and J R Crosby; Differences in medical students’ attitudes behaviour across the years; 2002). The observation of american medical students by Sierles F. et al reported that 58% of the students had copied during exams (Sierles F, Hendrickx I, Circle S; Cheating at medical school; J Med Educ 1980 ;55: ). And what about Oporto’s students??
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 6 Objectives Analyse the attitudes and reported behaviour of medical students of “Universidade do Porto”, “Tomorrow’s Doctors” “Tomorrow’s Doctors” Analyse the attitudes and reported behaviour of Oporto’s nursing students in comparison with medical students’.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 7 PARTICIPANTS&METHODS
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 8 Target population: Oporto's medical and nursing students. Samples: Sampling Medicine Nursing FMUP ICBAS 40 / st yr students 32 / rd yr students 28 / th yr students 43 / st yr students 31 / rd yr students 26 / th yr students 37 1 st yr students 35 3 rd yr students 28 4 th yr students 100 Students (out of 1316) 100 Students (out of 850) 100 Students (out of ?) ESEnfSJ
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 9 Sampling The size of the sample (n) was calculated according to the formula: The amplitude of our work is 20% and the proportion (P) is 50% “n” is equal to 100 The confidence interval is 95%
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 10 Random group sample The units we inquired were classes Classes were randomly chosen (SPSS) 1st Year3th Year“Seniors” FMUP Class 4; 10; 17; 19Class 8; 12; 15Class 9; 16 ICBAS Class 5; 9; 15Class 8; 13Class 2; 10 ESEnfSJ Class c; d; f; j---- Sampling
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 11 Data Gathering Instruments Our questionnaire is a translation and adaptation of one made by students and professors from Dundee University Medical School (Rennie SC, Crosby JR; Are ´´ tomorrow doctors`` honest? Questionnaire study exploring medical students´ attitudes and reported behaviour on academic misconduct). The survey was made in the three faculties, to randomly chosen classes. FMUP - From the 6th to the 10th of February 2006 ICBAS and ESEnf S.J. – From the 7th to the 20th of February
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 12 Data Gathering Instruments Information will be collected using two questionnaires: for Boys for Girls
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 13 The Dundee University Medical School questionnaire is composed of 14 different situations. Each student should answer: yes, no or not sure. In order to adapt the questionnaire to the target population, it was translated. New situations were added and some questions were reformulated. Questionnaire (Model) (Model)
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 14 Gantt Chart Gantt Chart
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 15 Flow chart Flow chart
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 16 Pre-Test Lowering the probability of occurring systematic and random errors. Took part in the pre-test: FMUP: students
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 17 Changes: Situations and questions were reformulated (eg.: situation 19 and question III) New situations about drinking and going out at night were added. It was not asked what kind of punishment should be used in each situation.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 18 Questionnaires (definitive) Joana’s questionnaire (girls’) (girls’) João’s questionnaire (boys’) (boys’)
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 19
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 20 Data Processing Methods SPSS ® Collected data was inserted in SPSS ® A table was formatted to this specific tasktable
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 21 Statistical Analysis: Frequency tables Chi-Square Syntax
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 22 Results
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 23 Cheating In examsIn college works Plagiarism Missing lessons Going out at night Professional integrity Next morning tiredness Alcohol related issues Situation 1/2 Situation 5/6/7/8 Situation 3/4/9 Situation 10/11 Situation 15/16/17/18 Situation 12/19 Situation 13/14 Analysis Project
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 24 In each group: General analyse of the answers. Possible relations between the answers in each situation. Relations between faculties. Relations between gender. Relations between Year. Possible relations between key situations of each group.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 25 About Cheating: About Cheating: 1) João copied Ana’s answers in the exam. 2) João is talking to Ana about the exam she just took and in which he is about to be evaluated. In exams:
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 26 Although they disagree with cheating in exams, they do cheat.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 27 Differences between Faculties Differences between Faculties (About cheating) I) Did students agree on cheating?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 28
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 29 II) Did they think there should be any punishment for cheaters?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 30 III) Would they consider to cheat?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 31
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 32 Differences between Genders Differences between Genders (About cheating) I) Did students agree on cheating?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 33 Differences between Years Differences between Years (About cheating) I) Did students agree on cheating?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 34
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 35 In college work projects: 5) João copied Ana’s work. 6) Ana lent her work to João and he copied it without telling her anything. About Cheating: About Cheating:
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 36 7) João lent Ana his work for her to copy. 8) João did Ana’s work for her.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 37 Although they disagree with coping in college work projects, they do copy them.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 38 Differences between Faculties Differences between Faculties (About cheating in college work projects) I) Did students agree on coping in college work projects)?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 39 II) Did they think there should be any punishment in coping college work projects)?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 40
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 41 III) Would they consider to copy in college work projects?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 42 Differences between Genders Differences between Genders (About cheating in college work projects) I) Did students agree on coping in college work projects?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 43
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 44 III) Would they consider to copy in college work projects?
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 45
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 46 About Plagiarism : About Plagiarism : 4) João copied texts form books/magazines and referenced them as being of his own. 3) João copied texts form books/magazines and only referenced them.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 47 9) João submitted a work that had already been submitted, previously, by other student.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 48 About missing lessons: About missing lessons: 10) João missed his theoretical lessons (without required presence) without motive. 11) João missed his lessons of obligatory presence without motive.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 49 About going out at night: About going out at night: Next morning tiredness: 12) João usually goes out at night with lessons in the next morning. 19) João went to a clinical practice lesson on a morning, extremely tired, after having gone out the night before.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 50 Alcohol related issues: 13) João got drunk at a party, knowing he had lessons the following morning. 14) João gets drunk several times a week.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 51 About professional integrity: About professional integrity: 15) João forged Dr. Rui’s signature on a prescription 16) João declared “Normal Neural Examination” without analysing the pacient.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 52 17) João consulted patients’ clinical records as a source of information for his research. 18) João described the situation of a patient he had recently examined to Ana, without the patient’s consent.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 53 Conclusion
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 54 In general, they do not agree with the attitude but consider that there should not be a punishment for those who do it. In the end, they considered doing it. Same students that disagree with cheating consider cheating as an option. About cheating: About cheating: In exams:
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 55 There are some significant differences between faculties: ESESJ: Those who disagree the most with this attitude (56%). FMUP: Those who agree the least with the punishment (46%). ICBAS: Those who consider the most doing the same (42%), in opposition with ESESJ. Students from ESESJ have the most positive attitude about cheating followed by FMUP and ICBAS which are very similar.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 56 Between Years, it is relevant that seniors students are those who disagree the most with cheating, although there is no differences between consider doing it.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 57 Students consider the attitude wrong, do not consider doing the same and agree with the application of a penalty. Although they disagree with coping college work projects, they do copy them. In college work projects: About cheating: About cheating:
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 58 There are some significant differences between faculties: ESESJ: Those who disagree the most with the attitude. ESESJ: Those who agree the most with the application of a penalty. ESESJ: Those who considered the least cheating in college works project. Boys are those who agree the most, and also the ones who strongly consider doing it.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 59 About plagiarism: About plagiarism: In general, students disagree with plagiarism, and do not consider doing the same.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 60 Students agree that missing theoretical lessons is not wrong. Students have an opposite opinion about missing lessons of obligatory presence, not considering missing them. About missing lessons: About missing lessons:
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 61 Students do not consider wrong going out at night with lessons in the next morning. Although, they consider wrong going out at night with clinical practice lessons in the next morning. About going out at night: About going out at night:
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 62 Students consider that getting drunk at parties with lessons in the following morning is not wrong. They have the same opinion about getting drunk several times a week.
Introdução à medicina Dec 16, 2005academic misconduct 63 Students consider wrong forging signatures on prescriptions They also consider wrong to emit general judgments on patients that had not been properly analysed. About professional integrity: About professional integrity: