Technology in the Classroom Susan Cherup Education Department Fall Semester 2008
Top 10 Reasons to Know A.T./UDL
What are Assistive Technology and Devices? “any item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities” “services include the selection, acquisition or use of an assistive technology device” AT Policy and Practice Series, TAM
What is UDL?UDL Universal Design for Learning reduces barriers for everyone. Example, MS spell check assists everyone become better spellers. Assistive Technology reduces barriers for individuals. Example, a communication board for someone who is unable to speak. Hmmm...
Back to the Top 10 Reasons to Know A.T./UDL Goo d!
# 10 - You will learn about No Tech Pencil grip Low Tech Talking calculator High Tech Kurzweil 4000
# 9 You will have access to the MITS to borrow these materials from their lending library. MITS and WATI MITS WATI
# 8 You will learn how the the revised NETS*T address AT, UDL, and more. Katie HolmNETS*T
# 7 The 90 Days of Summer will be your daily reading any time of the year. 90 Days of Summer
# 6 Google notebook will help organize your life! Jessica Sabon
# 5 The SMARTBoard will help meet the needs of all students.SMARTBoard
# 4 Turning Technologies will turn everyone on.
# 3 The document camera will make teaching and learning easier. Ben Herrman
# 2 You can join SETSig! Learn more about Special Interest Groups.SETSig
And, the # 1 reason to know AT/UDL…
You will be helping more students succeed!