Lessons Aimed At Helping Saints Define, Describe, & Defeat Sin
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Sin is something we can become so “entangled” in Heb 12:1 Not done to us against our will Jas 1:14 It occurs when we make a choice to do or not do something The compelling factor = temptation
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Defining Temptation “Enticement to do wrong by promise of pleasure or gain; inducement to do something” [Webster] “A trial or proving; the trial of fidelity, integrity, or virtue; enticement to sin re: desires or circumstances” [Thayer]
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Defining Temptation It has nothing to do with whether or not the one solicited gives in Even if one refuses to yield to the “enticements”…he has been tempted Consider Jesus Heb 2:18 4:15
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” Original term (peirazō) meant “to try or attempt; to endeavor” Whether the attempt was morally good or bad was irrelevant Acts 9:26 16:7 Later uses illustrate a definition more in line with our discussion
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” Sometimes the Scripture reveals one being “tested” to ascertain character How he responded to something reveals whether or not he passed the “test” Jesus, Philip, & Andrew Jn 6:6-7, 8-9 Jn 2:11 Mt 8:27
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” At other times, a command from God has “tested” man The genuineness of faith is revealed The command to Abraham to offer up Isaac Gen 22:1-2, 9-12 Heb 11:17-19
Abraham & Isaac It was Abraham’s words (Gen 22:5) and his thoughts (Heb 11:19) that indicated his “fear” or awe toward God re: what he knew God could do Gen 22:12 It was precisely this response that was missing in both Philip & Andrew Jn 6:7-9
Abraham & Isaac God wasn’t “testing” Abraham to find a flaw in his character…He “tested” him to allow him to show his faith God didn’t want Abraham to fail…He wanted him to succeed God never discredits us…He gives us the opportunity to rise in faith
Abraham & Isaac Tempting someone to do evil is sinister This characteristic cannot describe God Jas 1:13 1 Jn 1:5
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” Temptation also differs from “trials” Everyone will face adverse times Sometimes the adversity is common to all men…at other times, adversity comes because believers try to remain faithful
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” A “trial” may not necessarily involve evil or inducements to do wrong, but it could Illustrated by Job Job 1: :1-10 He was allowed to suffer greatly…he lost all he had
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” Yet, Job did not respond in the way Satan accused him of before God Everything happened as Satan intended… except for Job’s response
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” Some conclude “trials” (adversity) come because of sin…a punishment from God Eliphaz Job 4:7-8 Jesus’ disciples Jn 9:1-2 Yet, God does allow us to see adversity… it can strengthen Jas 1:2-4 1 Pet 1:6
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” The most common concept re: temptation is a solicitation (seduction) to do evil Solicitation is the devil’s work…not God’s 1 Pet 5:8-9 Jas 4:7 God “tests” to make us stronger… Satan “tempts” to destroy us
Lesson 3 – Temptation To Sin Temptation vs. “Testing” or “Trials” The process by which Satan tempts man can be better understood when viewed as a “formula” Jas 1:14-16
Temptation’s “Formula” Step #1 Enticement to do evil Jas 1:14 We all have desires…at times, they cry out to be satisfied Satan presents unlawful ways for these desires to be fulfilled Gen 39:7 Acts 5:1-4 Temptation can be endured Jas 1:12 TEMPTATION = DESIRE + OPPORTUNITY
Temptation’s “Formula” Step #2 Sin itself is “born” Jas 1:15a Interesting observation re: this verse Man is not born in sin (Calvinism) …rather, sin is born in man
Temptation’s “Formula” Step #2 Sin itself is “born” Jas 1:15a Man does not resist temptation Jas 1:12 When he yields (acts on the temptation), he sins (violates God’s law) 1 Jn 3:4 He is now separated from God Isa 59:1-2 He has a new “master” Jn 8:34 Rom 6:12-16 SIN = DESIRE + OPPORTUNITY + ACTION
Temptation’s “Formula” Step #3 Death is eventual Jas 1:15b Sin does not (cannot) deliver what it promised (nature of deception) Now separated from God, man is “dead” Eph 2:1
Temptation’s “Formula” Step #3 Death is eventual Jas 1:15b Satan has achieved what he wanted…a soul is estranged from God All that awaits is eternal death DEATH = DESIRE + OPPORTUNITY + ACTION + NO REPENTANCE