Why We Need SONG Sarbani Basu Yale University
Image courtesy J. Christensen-Dalsgaard
Observing in Velocity: Lower Noise
Observing in Velocity: non-zero l=3 response
THE PESKY SURFACE TERM We do not know how to model the near surface layers of stars. Problems (1)convection/turbulence (2)Atmospheres (3)Low temperature opacities (4)Treatment of radiation in optically thin layers (5)….. These problems introduce a frequency dependent offset between observed and modelled frequencies.
Surface term in Standard Solar Models
Same interior physics could still give rise to different surface terms
What happens with deficient physics?
Low Frequencies will help in modelling by defining the surface term
Surface Term and Echelle Diagrams
What we observe
What happens if we do not have low-frequency modes
Add Lower frequencies
What else? Define other diagnostics
l=3 modes will allow inversions A Hermitian Eigenvalue problem, therefore use the variational principle:
How we invert frequecies
The mode-sets
The solutions
The Averaging Kernels
Cross-term kernels
Lower Turning Points of modes
Add Low-Frequency modes to l=0,1,2 sets
The Best Kepler Modeset (so far) Low frequency modes will made a huge difference
Conclusions Low-frequency modes will help us to model stars better. l=3 modes will help us invert frequency differences between a star and its model to determine how good a model is. SONG will be able to provide both low-frequency modes, as well as l=3 modes ERGO WE NEED SONG