HiT – Higgs and Top (Thursday, June 22, 2000) 1.News - Boaz/Meenakshi 2.Trigger Simulator Status – who?? 3.Proposal for a HiT workshop – Meenakshi/Boaz 4.Reports regarding the two selected analyses: 1. Monte Carlo 2. Triggers 3. Event Access and Selection 4. Jets 5. Electrons 6. Muons 7. Tau 8. Missing Energy 9. b-tagging 10. Calibration 5.What’s next?
Trigger: Talking points Trigger – At Level1, Level2, Level3 What are the trigger terms? What are the rates ? What is the signal efficiency? In which stream the data will be available? What is the state of the trigger simulator code? How far can you run the package to get a rate/efficiencies? What data samples are needed to get the rates/eff. How many of each is needed? What’s the status of MC simulation for these signal and background events? How many events are currently available ?
Event Selection: Talking points Offline Event Selection – What are the objects available in the data? Which type of algorithms will be available as default? What needs to be available to rerun a given algorithm or a different one? What are the topological variable available for event selection? Are they in some Chunk or we need to develop code to access it…? What information we need to have in the various levels of data storage formats for ease of event selection? In which stream the data will be available?
Object – ID : Talking Points Object ID– What are the various reconstruction/id techniques Which ones are suited for top/Higgs? Is this the default method? Is the technique on a solid footing? How much work needs to be done? Which packages does this reside in What information do the Chunks contain? Is there something missing which could be useful for our analyses? How well does the simulation work for these objects Electrons/muons are too clean… no noise…? b-fragmentation models? Herwig vs Pythia vs isajet and other generators… Efficiency Fake rates