P – Increase your preporation A – Determining your altitude C – Reading in clusters E – Drawing on experience
Increase Your Preparation Overview Your Assignments Conduct a quick overview Get an understanding for captions, headings, subheadings, and portions, so you can locate key concepts Helps you see the importance of each part
Increase Your Preparation Edward Gobson’s “Great Recall” Think of a classic operating room scene The surgeon has all his tools Before reading you should “recall’ all the information about the specific topic Then you will have your mental tools for an intellectual operation
Increase Your Preparation Daniel Webster’s Way After scanning the table of contents, reading the preface, and flipping through some pages Make a list of: 1. Questions that you expect to be answered in the book 2. The knowledge you expect to gain from the reading 3. Where the knowledge will take you
Determining Your Altitude Skim at 35,000 Ft to Get the Gist Used to get the gist of a book Read both introduction and summary quickly, also paragraphs to see if they pertain to your topic of study Use for term papers & to save time
Determining Your Altitude Skim at the treetops for General Clues When looking for specific info, but don’t know the exact phrasing Be alert for clues Infer from previous or other info Try to guess the form of the info Think you found it? Go back and read that paragraph carefully, to be sure
Determining Your Altitude Skim at Ground Level for Specific Info Specific info: name, date, word, or phrase Searching is recognition not comprehension Look for specific words or phrases Keep it in your mind as you skim, it will trigger Once found read sentence or context clues to see if it is the exact info you want
Reading In Clusters The Intonation Way Vocalization is inevitable Vocalization while reading improves comprehension When using intonation technique, read silently but with expression Using intonation you are replacing the rhythm, stress, emphasis, & pauses that were taken out when it was put into the written form Also its easier to cluster
Reading In Clusters Think in Terms of Paragraphs Intonation clusters groups of sentences, you can do it for paragraphs too Topic sentences announce the topic Supporting sentences: support ideas Concluding sentence: concludes An understanding of those 3 sentence types cluster into one summary sentence of the paragraph
Reading In Clusters Process Your Reading A Page at a Time Make the page your fundamental unit No formulas Just simply stop at the end of every page and ask, “What did the writer say on this page?” Cluster by Page
Drawing on Experience Bolster Your Background You can improve you reading by reading good books You will expand and learn new concepts, ideas, events, and names Those will help in later reading You can draw on this info when reading later
Drawing on Experience Beef Up Your Vocabulary The fastest readers have excellent vocabularies They not only see words faster, but also understand them more quickly
Citation Owens, Ross, and Walter Pauk. How to Study in College. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2003.