IMR Standard Section Svinøy Sampling program
IMR Standard sections and fixed stations Svinøy standard section: Repeated 5 times per year Januar, March, May, July, November Objectives: Long term monitoring of Hydrography Nutrients Phytoplankton ooplankton
Standard sampling program on Svinøy section
Sampling program Zooplankton – WP2 (180 mµ) 0-200m at all stations – 1 m2 Mocness (180 mµ) to bottom at selected stations (if weather and cable permits) – 50% of sample on formalin – 50% of sample: Biomass size fractions >180, >1000, >2000 (extracting krill, amphipods, shrimps, fish,+) Phytoplankton – Chlorophyll samples down to 100 m – Phytoplankton species: Water samples (0-30 m) from the bottles (lugol) – Phytoplankton species: 10 mµ net haul (30-0m) (20% formalin) – Secchi Nutrients – 12 water bottles – Nutrient samples from all depths – Nitrate, Nitrite, Phosphate, Silicate (ammonium is possible) Hydrography – CTD with Fluorescence, oxygen, Light, Ph (to bottom at all depths Thermo-salinograph (T, S, Fluorescence) Weather station data...
Additional sampling at Svinøy Macroplankton trawl for macroplankton and micronekton Mulitfrequency acoustics (fish, macroplankton, micronekton) ADCP Applied for two days extra on the Svinøy section for BASIN Standard program takes about two days... Challange: we do not know what ship will be used yet... GOSars about 25 berths for scientists. Standard IMR scientific crew on Standard sections are 4 persons. Johan Hjort ? Håkon Mosby ?
Database IMR database holds: hydrographic data, including fluorescence Nutrient and chlorophyll data Zooplankton data (nets and macroplankton trawl) Fish data (trawl) Acoustic raw data and scrutinised data Data from towed platforms (CTD, fluor., OPC, Acoustics, VPR self contained)
BASIN cruise June days with G.O. Sars in early June 2012 (Confirmed by IMR cruise committee) Time to be shared with other projects (INDIPOP, ++?) Arctic front between Iceland and Jan Mayen
BASIN Cruise objectives T5.1.2 Spatial structure in small pelagic fish populations, Atlanto Scandic herring, blue whiting and mackerel Migration of herring in relation to zooplankton dynamics at the Arctic front Cruise activities will focus on the continuous monitoring of high resolution 3D distribution of hydrography, fluorescence, size resolved zooplankton, and fish.
MUST and MESSOR Mulitfrq. Acoustics, VPR, L-OPC, F-CTD...