Tracking with capillaries – Neutron & GRA radiography 1.Fist test with 2 targets is made in December 2.Analysis in progress 3.Test on monochromatic neutron beam at PTB – March? 4.Target 3 produced, assembled, and cut (thanks to Simon and Hans)
Tracking with capillaries – target cut with diamond saw. water
Tracking with capillaries – target cut with diamond saw. water
Tracking with capillaries – target with it’s mechanics
Tracking with capillaries – EBCCD readout chain
Tracking with capillaries – filling system
Tracking with capillaries – Neutron & GRA radiography ToDo: 1.Cleaning and filling of target 3 2.If good - test with Pu239 and Cs137 3.Second target mechanics– for Soreq 4.Assembling and testing target for Soreq 5.Send target to Soreq 6.Prepare test beam at PTB (software, DAQ electronics, EBCCD)