Space plasma physics mission roadmap of ISAS, JAXA Masaki Fujimoto
The solar system, the natural laboratory for space plasma Formation of planetary magnetospheres via interaction between the solar wind and the planet’s intrinsic magnetic field Dynamics behavior of plasma in the magnetospheres
Planetary magnetospheres
Earth and planetary magnetospheres: The point of view Interest in itself.
Earth and planetary magnetospheres: The point of view Interest in itself. The laboratory of space plasma dynamics The only field where in-situ measurements of particles and fields can be made.
Earth and planetary magnetospheres: The point of view Interest in itself. The laboratory of space plasma dynamics The only field where in-situ measurements of particles and fields can be made. The outer space where substantial human activity may develop in the future.
Future Space Plasma Missions at JAXA ~2020’s Planetary MagnetospheresThe Plasma UniverseGeospace Exploration BepiColmbo L2014 ESA/JAXA mission to Mercury ESA/JAXA mission to Jupiter in 2020’s ( ESA CosmicVision , Ph A) SCOPE/CrossScale ESA/JAXA Multiscale at the same time in Earth magnetosphere ~2017 (ESA CosmicVision Ph.A) ERG A small explorer into the inner-magnetosphere and relativistic particle acceleration processes ~2013
On-going activities Geotail/Cluster/THEMIS Akebono/Reimei Kaguya
Geotail: 10x 30 Re equatorial orbit: bow shock ~ sheath ~ magnetospheric boundary ~ inner-plasmasheet ~ magnetotail Proved that ion-scale physics can be resolved by high-quality observations Stimulated numerous studies exploring the coupling processes between MHD and ion-scale physics
The best event in the magnetotail
Ion distribution function data In-flowing lobe component Reversal of the beam 12 sec
Electron-scale? Flow reversal 200 msec
GEOTAIL Into the ion-scale Single point observations Electron-scale: unresolved Poor time resolution
Cluster (ESA) 4-s/c formation flying obs in the magnetosphere - Proved the powerful-ness of formation flying observations - Made us face the fact that four-spacecraft formation observations give one-scale at a time - Made us face the frustration of not being able to know what ’ s going on at larger/smaller scales when one is very nicely resolving an ion-scale phenomenon.
4 s/c at different depth Inside the current sheet Current density The piece-wise data that happen to capture a part of the current carrying electrons Magnetotail
Electron-scale not resolved MHD-dynamics leading to the thin-current sheet formation not known
Reimei Small spacecraft (tech demonstration and aurora science) Altitude ~ 600km, polar orbit Simultaneous observations of high time-resolution auroral electrons and high-cadence high-resolution auroral imagery
- Relation among inverted-V structure, Alfven wave accelerated electrons, and fast moving auroral forms has been made clear.
Space plasma turbulence k Power Energy cascade MHD-scale Ion-scale Electron-scale Non-MHD effects arise as cascade proceeds Aurora is attractive Because of the cross-scale coupling!!!
©JAXA Kaguya Lunar orbiter, 100km altitude PACE: The first ion measurements of the near-Moon plasma environment
EARTH SUN Magnetosphere Planets Without (Thick) Atmosphere MARS VENUS Without Intrinsic Magneric Field JUPITER With Strong Intrinsic Magnetic Field
EARTH SUN Planets Without (Thick) Atmosphere With Intrinsic Magneric Field BepiColombo/MMO Mercury Without Intrinsic Magneric Field KAGUYA Moon
Sounds very boring. True? No!!! SW proton reflection at the lunar surface and associated ion acceleration phenomena Ion interaction with magnetic anomalies and associated ion acceleration phenomena Physics of the near-Moon wake Heavy ions of lunar origin
Reflected Solar Wind Ions Solar Wind Ions nightside terminator dayside terminator nightside Detector facing the Moon
IEA IMA Solar Wind reflection SUN Reflected Solar Wind Ions ~0.1-1%
energy dispersed ions near magnetic anomaly
Future missions
Future Space Plasma Missions at JAXA ~2020’s Planetary MagnetospheresThe Plasma UniverseGeospace Exploration BepiColmbo L2014 ESA/JAXA mission to Mercury ESA/JAXA mission to Jupiter in 2020’s ( ESA CosmicVision , Ph A) SCOPE/CrossScale ESA/JAXA Multiscale at the same time in Earth magnetosphere ~2017 (ESA CosmicVision Ph.A) ERG A small explorer into the inner-magnetosphere and relativistic particle acceleration processes L2013
Future missions ERG, a small explorer to the inner-magnetosphere BepiColombo MMO, exploration of the small magnetosphere of Mercury SCOPE, at the core of the next generation formation flying mission in the earth’s magnetosphere via full international collaboration EJSM JMO, full study in the gigantic Jovian magnetosphere
The ERG project ・ orbit : Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with low inclination ・ apogee : ~5 Re perigee : TBD ・ launch date: FY 2013 (next solar maximum)
ERG ERG project goal understanding cross-energy couplings for generation and loss process of relativistic particles & variation of geospace during space storms Significance of this project. ・ direct observations on generation of relativistic electrons at the magnetic equator in the inner magnetosphere contribution to understanding of the particle acceleration. ・ instrumental development to measure plasma and fields under the incidence of radiation belt particles with small satellite contribution to the future Jovian mission.
REMOTE SENSING ERG -satellite ERG -ground networksERG The data from the ERG satellite and ground networks are integrated with numerical simulation and modeling for comprehensive and quantitative understanding. ERG -model/simulation NUMERICAL SIMULATION/MODELING IN-SITU OBSERVATION
International Collaboration Launch : 2012 US/RBSP Canada/ORBITALS Japan/ ERG Russia/RESONANCE Launch : 2013
BepiColombo MMO
BepiColombo Mercury Exploration ESA-JAXA collaboration for full-scale exploration of Mercury Launch in 2014 by ESA (Ariane 5), Mercury Orbit Insertion 2020 MMO (JAXA) for exploring the mysterious magnetosphere MPO (ESA) for exploring the mysterious planet Two-point measurements in the Hermean magnetosphere to be realized MMO MPO MTM Sun sield
・ Exploration of the inner-heliosphere ・ Plasma physics of the small magnetosphere ・ Direct contact between the plasma and the surface
Daughter(far) : 5km 〜 5000km Daughter(far) Mother Daughter(near) : 5km 〜 100 km Daughter(far) MHD Scale Ultra high-speed electron measurements Electron Scale SCOPE
Shock wave Magnetic Reconnection Boundary Layer Turbulence Processes of fundamental importance in the Plasma Universe Turbulence at dipole-current sheet transition region Simultaneous multi-scale observations in the earth’s magnetosphere
MHD scale Ion-scale Ele-scale MMS 2014 (4 s/c, ele-scale) THEMIS 2007 (5 s/c, multi-point) Geotail 1992 (single-s/c) Cluster 2000 (4 s/c, ion-scale) SCOPE Simultaneous Multi-scale SCOPE/ Cross-Scale consortium The route to SCOPE
SCOPE: Very logically, the next step.
SCOPE vs MMS Scalability SCOPE - Theme: Shocks, RX, turbulence. Fundamentally important space plasma processes in the Plasma Universe context - Multi-scale: Open to international collaborations MMS electron scale only, (MP)RX focused.
The whole picture of SCOPE/Cross-Scale: Full-scale coverage via international collaboration with clear interfaces ESA’s component Cross-Scale China’s componentRussia’s component To be launched by JAXA’s H2-A SCOPE mother and near/far-daughter (JAXA) Far-daughters (CSA) Dual launch partner THEMIS-like s/c (NASA)
Europa Jupiter System Mission JMO
1 How was the Jupiter system formed? 2 How does the Jupiter system work? 3 Investigate Europa’s possible habitability in the context of the Jupiter system
Mission architecture JEO: NASA, Europa orbiter JGO: ESA, Ganymede orbiter JMO+Trojan Asteroid Explorer: JAXA JMO for Theme 2 and possibly 3 (space plasma observations) TAE for Theme 1 (studies on primordial bodies)
JMO: Jovian Magnetospheric Orbiter The most attractive magnetosphere in the solar system: huge scale with strong B-field, fast rotation, internal plasma source, binary interaction JMO, a spinner, enables state-of-the-art in-situ measurements in the most violent plasma environment of the solar system
JEO, JGO (both w in-situ plasma obs.) + JMO (in-situ and X/UV/ENA plasma imaging) Three-point measurements in the most attractive magnetosphere Galelian satellites embedded in the violent radiation environment JGO JEO JMO
Geotail, Cluster, THEMIS Kaguya MMO ERG Reimei SCOPE JMO small s/c science s/c system, SI counter radiation measures mission operation s/c system, SI MMS science ICI-2 rocket SI All we do now lead to bright future projects.