Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #1 ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT Official Journal of the Asia Academy of Management Mike W. Peng Editor-in-Chief Provost’s Distinguished Professor of Global Strategy University of Texas at Dallas Asia Academy of Tokyo December 2006
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #2 #1 in Management Research in Asia, on Asia, of Asia Published by the National University of Singapore since 1983 Asia Academy of Management (AAOM) founded in 1998 The official journal of the AAOM since 2002 APJM has featured the work of... –J. Barney, P. Beamish, X.-P. Chen, C. Chen, J. Dunning, M. Hitt, G. Hofstede, R. Hoskisson, M. Kotabe, Y. Luo, G. Redding, A. Rugman, O. Shenkar, D. Tjosvold, A. Tsui, R. Tung, A. Van de Ven, and M. Wright (excluding members of editorial team)
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide # Downloads: 13,000+
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #4 Aims and Scope of APJM Publish original manuscripts related to: –Management research (both macro and micro) –Asia Pacific region (broadly defined) Broad question of interest –What determines firm success? Articles should be based on theory –Theory papers? YES –Qualitative papers? YES –Quantitative papers? YES –A combination of AMR + AMJ + JIBS with an AP focus
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #5 Operations Decentralized editorial structure Annual submissions: Approximately 150 papers –Submit to: Acceptance rate: Approximately 15% –Desk rejects: 25-30% (to protect our reviewers’ time) Average turnaround (1 st round): less than 50 days
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #6 Enhancing Your Odds for Acceptance Fit is important Formatting: Your 1 st impression –Do your home work regarding our preferred style –We follow the style of our benchmark journals: AMJ/AMR Join the APJM conversation (especially articles published in the last 2 years) –Extend, support, debate, challenge, and/or refute previous APJM work
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #7 Current Editorial Structure ( ) Andrew Delios –Editor-in-Chief National University of Singapore Chung Ming Lau –Editor Chinese University of Hong Kong, China Mike Peng –Editor University of Texas at Dallas, USA Steven White –Editor INSEAD, France and Singapore
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #8 New Editorial Structure ( ) Editor-in-Chief: –Mike Peng (University of Texas at Dallas) Senior Editors (8) –David Ahlstrom (Chinese University of Hong Kong) –Garry Bruton (Texas Christian University) –Michael Carney (Concordia University) –David Chan (Singapore Management University) –Simon Lam (University of Hong Kong) –Chung Ming Lau (Chinese University of Hong Kong) –John Mathews (Macquarie University) –Klaus Meyer (University of Reading) Developmental Editor: Steven White (INSEAD)
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #9 APJM is Globalizing Editorial home: 1 st time out of Asia (out of Singapore) – to UT Dallas 1 st time appointing Senior Editors in Australia, Canada, and the UK Penetrating into China: –2004 special issue conference in Shanghai (Networks) –2007 (July) special issue conference in Xian (Innovation) The P part of APJM –2007 (November) special issue conference in Brisbane in alliance with ANZIBA (Varieties of capitalism)
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #10 Special Issues Since 2004 To maximize impact, APJM publishes one SI each year An SI conference is run the year before –2004: Corporate crisis and turnaround in Asia D. Ahlstrom & G. Bruton, eds. / conference: Bangkok, 2003 –2005: Business networks in Asia T. Dacin & A. Delios, eds. / conference: Shanghai, 2004 –2006: Business groups and conglomerates in Asia M. Peng & A. Delios, eds. / conference: Singapore, 2005 –2007: 25 th anniversary of APJM M. Peng, ed. / conference: AAOM (main conference), Tokyo, 2006 –2008: Knowledge management and technology strategy in Asia Y. Lu, E. Tsang, & M. Peng, eds. / conference: Xian, July 2007 –2009: Varieties of Asian capitalisms M. Carney, E. Gedajlovic, X. Yang, eds. / conference: Brisbane, November 2007
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #11 New Perspective and Review Sections Perspective launched in 2005: Inviting leading scholars –Lead articles: M. Peng and R. Tung (2/2005) –One piece each issue starting 1/2006 –Already finished: P. Beamish, E. Tsang, H. Yeung, K. Meyer –Forthcoming: C. Hill, G. Dess, G. Bruton, D. Ahsltrom –Committed: G. Hosftede, M. Kotabe, P. Kotler Review launched in 2006 –Lead article: J. Mathews: An anti-OLI paper (1/2006) –Commentary: J. Dunning, R. Narula (“The Empire Strikes Back”) –Committed: Asian b-school ranking (R. Mudambi), Venture capital (D. Ahlstrom & G. Bruton), Indian business groups (B. Kedia), Chinese entrepreneurship (H. Li), Citations (A. Harzing)
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #12 Some Examples 2006/1 –Publishing international (joint venture) research for impact (P. Beamish) –Dragon multinationals (J. Mathews) 2006/2 –Asian management research needs more self-confidence (K. Meyer) –Commentaries on Mathews (J. Dunning & R. Narula) –Response to Dunning and Narula (J. Mathews) –Economies of scale vs. intellectual curiosity (E. Tsang)
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #13 25 th Anniversary Special Issue (2007/4) G. Hofstede K. Singh A. Delios C. M. Lau J. Child (invited) J. Barney (invited) O. Shenkar (invited) G. Redding (invited) … stay tuned
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #14 An Update on SSCI APJM used to be in SSCI Two criteria: Timely publication and citations Forced out in the 1990s due to irregular publishing Now doing much better on regular publishing –Mailing issue in 2005 –Typesetter delay for the 2006/3 and 2006/4 issues Under A. Delios, we (re)applied in April 2006 Still being evaluated What we need to do collectively: Cite APJM –Only citations of APJM pubs in the last 2 yrs count
Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementSlide #15 Making APJM Better All APJM editors, authors, reviewers, readers (who cite our publications): Thank you so much! Given that Asia is generating a huge volume of research output (JIBS will run a sp issue on “Asia and global business”), it is imperative that we have a top tier journal that is in Asia, on Asia, and of Asia With all your help, as a community of like minded scholars, we can make it happen—and we will!