City of Orlando, Florida September 13, 2010 City Council Public Hearing / Fiscal Year 2011 Budget
Budget Overview 2 Total City Budget (No Change from August 16 th Workshop) Approved Proposed FY2010 FY2011 Change General Fund 359,247, ,434,871 (2,812,267) Special Revenue Funds 164,393, ,460,400 6,067,103 Debt Service Funds 77,960,117 86,823,820 8,863,703 Enterprise Funds 148,971, ,737,140 27,766,062 Internal Service Funds 84,899, ,889,345 28,989,852 Component Units 7,678,436 6,485,710 (1,192,726) Pension Trust Funds 20,880,120 21,896,905 1,016,785 Total 864,029, ,728,191 68,698,512 Detail listing by fund is provided in the Budget in Brief (pages 4-5)
Budget Overview Staff Assistant position in the DDB that was frozen has been deleted –No budget adjustment necessary –Total number of deleted positions is now 148 Contribution – National Center for Simulation –Previous Budget in Brief stated the contribution was $13,600; correct amount is $14,960 –Budget contained $14,960, so no adjustment is necessary New position in Parking Fund –Listed as a Crew Leader (S17) in prior Budget in Brief; should be Crew Chief (L04) –No budget adjustment necessary Cost of Living Increase –SEIU and LIU have agreed to forego 3% increase for FY2011 –No budget change required; savings were already reflected in Proposed Budget 3 Adjustments to the Budget in Brief
Budget Overview 4 Budget Development History (General Fund) April 26th Budget Workshop (Forecast) (49,760,000) Additional Ad-Valorem Decline (10% TV Forecasted; 14.9% Actual) (6,935,000) Adjustment: Forecast to Continuation of Service Requests 8,482,000 Use of Anticipated Fund Balance Above 25% Policy 20,500,000 Voluntary Separation Savings 3,820,000 Miscellaneous Revenue / Expense Adjustments (450,000) June 21st Budget Workshop (24,343,000) Fee Increases 500,000 Risk Management Rebate 3,000,000 Adjustment to Sales Tax Revenue 2,800,000 Adjustment to Municipal Revenue Sharing Revenue 800,000 SAFER Reimbursed Positions Moved to Grant Fund 4,700,000 Elimination of the 3% COLA 3,000,000 Extension of Vehicle Useful Lives 3,000,000 Reduction in Contribution to Capital Improvement Fund 4,500,000 Miscellaneous Revenue / Expense Adjustments 2,043,000 August 16th Budget Workshop -
Key Dates September 13 th City Council MeetingPublic Hearing on the Budget September 20 th City Council MeetingPublic Hearing on the Budget Budget / Millage Rate Adoption 5 Formal Budget Adoption
City of Orlando Office of Business and Financial Services Orlando City Hall – Fourth Floor 400 S. Orange Avenue P.O. Box 4990 Orlando, Florida