Computers in Education LEIT429x – Builta Class Session 1
Is Technology Being Used In Schools and to What Degree? Based on your memories of school and your pre-service experiences… What is being used How is it being used How effectively is is being used
Discussion of Group Findings
What are the barriers?
Discussion of Group Findings
Where are we at now? While statistics vary, classroom access is about 1 computer for 6 students Computers are often not “current models”
Internet Availability in Schools NCES
Classroom Internet Availability based on Poverty NCES
Classroom Internet Availability-High Minority NCES
Technology Expenditure k-12 Public Schools QED, 1997a
Teacher Perspectives 79% teachers report “innovative technologies” as one of the areas they most need information 20% teachers reported feeling well prepared to integrate technology NCES
Other issues Lack of curricular flexibility Inadequate pre-service preparation Lack of on-going in-service training And MANY others including Standards
What must teachers know how to do? What skills must teachers have to teach in today’s changing schools? What skills must teachers have to teach student’s that must function in a changing society?
Discussion of Group Findings
Relevant Technology Standards NCATE 2000 (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education) Technology as a part of the Teacher Ed. “culture” NCATE participation is NOT manditory NIU is NCATE accredited
Relevant Standards Cont. ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) NETS Project Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) Multiple standards based on level of teacher Standards for Students (NETS-S) Multiple standards based on grade level of student Is THE standard from which many technology plans/standards documents are begun
Standards for Students (NETS-S) Basic Operations and Concepts Social, ethical and human issues Technology productivity tools Technology communication tools Technology research tools Technology problem- solving and decision- making tools
Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) Technology operations and concepts Planning and designing learn environments Teaching, learning and the curriculum Assessment and evaluation Productivity and professional practice Social,ethical,legal and human issues
State of Illinois Illinois Content-Area Standards - Technology Standards for All Teachers Looks identical to NETS-S, but has “teacher skills” incorporated
Other Major Players Milken Exchange on Educational Technology CEO Forum (STAR Chart) North Central Regional Education Laboratory (aka NCREL) Apple and Microsoft