A.A. Balandin Graduate Study in Materials Science and Engineering Join us in the Next Technology Revolution Alexander A. Balandin Chair, Materials Science and Engineering Professor, Electrical Engineering University of California – Riverside September 2010
A.A. Balandin Definitions Materials Science and Engineering (MS&E) is concerned with the study of the structure, properties and applications of materials. MS&E program aims to provide fundamental knowledge of materials with the objective of predicting, modifying and tailoring the properties of materials to achieve enhanced material/device performance. The MS&E foundations are the basic sciences of physics, chemistry and mathematics. The great variety of materials response at the electrical, optical, magnetic, mechanical and chemical levels requires from MSE experts a solid scientific foundation and breadth of basic knowledge.
A.A. Balandin General Motivations for MS&E Program New trend: innovations are happening more and more often at materials level Electronic industry: substituting silicon and gate dielectrics Optoelectronic industry: placing III-Vs on silicon Thermoelectric industry: finding right material Energy: materials for direct energy conversion and storage Global competition for energy resources and raw materials Engineering profession More of the interdisciplinary expertise Job market: local, state, nation-wide Materials characterization jobs are still in US
A.A. Balandin Example of the Major Innovations at Materials Level Information from Intel web-site /technology/silicon/HighK -MetalGate-PressFoils- final.pdf
A.A. Balandin Innovations at the Materials Level: Photovoltaic Solar Cells Quantum dot superlattice as an intrinsic layer Front contact n type p type Light coating Back contact Shockley limit: ~33% conversion efficiency for bulk materials due to the loss of excess kinetic energy of the hot photo-generated carriers and energy loss of photons which are less than materials band gap. Thermodynamic limit for conversion: ~93% After Q. Shao, A.A. Balandin, A.I. Fedoseyev and M. Turowski, "Intermediate-band solar cells based on quantum dot supra- crystals," Applied Physics Letters, 91: (2007).
A.A. Balandin Innovations: Discoveries of New Materials with Unique Properties Figure: Graphene suspended over a trench. Optical image of graphene- over-trench attached to the heat sink. The flake was laser-heated in the middle. Giant thermal conductivity, flat geometry and demonstrated graphene – Si integration suggests that graphene can become superior material for thermal management of nanoscale devices A.A. Balandin, et al., "Superior thermal conductivity of single-layer graphene," Nano Letters, 8: 902 (2008). Artistic rendering of graphene lateral heat spreaders for advanced chips from a recent IEEE Spectrum feature article Chill Out: New Materials and Designs Can Keep Chips Cool by A.A. Balandin.
A.A. Balandin Facilities for MS&E Research and Education Materials synthesis and characterization facilities are essential for successful program New Materials Science & Engineering building
A.A. Balandin Specialization Areas Specialization areas within MS&E major Electronic and Magnetic Materials Biomaterials Structural Materials and Composites Materials Synthesis & Processes Computational Materials Science
A.A. Balandin Visit MS&E Web-Site