1 Update: High energy photon pairs Vladimir Litvin, Toyoko Orimoto Caltech WG3/WG4 Meeting 29 June 2007
2 MC Samples Signal RS-1 G : ~80-90k (131_hlt2,3,4) each for 750, 1250, 1000, & 1500 GeV mass samples (with c = 0.1) Background: Born: ~100k (131_hlt2,3,4) events Box: ~300k (131_hlt2) and ~100k (131_hlt3,4) events CKIN(1) = 200 GeV Low limit of the invariant mass of the two outgoing photons, with high end is set to infinity Done intentionally to reduce the number of events produced while keeping the most useful part of the backgrounds for our studies. bornbox
3 L1 Egamma Efficiencies SingleEG ~ 100% DoubleEG ~ 96%
4 L1 Egamma Efficiencies SingleEG ~ 100% DoubleEG ~ 97%
5 L1 Egamma Efficiencies SingleEG ~ 100% DoubleEG ~ 97%
6 New HLT paths in 131hlt5 Two additional bits were added in 1_3_1_hlt5 for high energy EM stream, based on a 5% H/E cut HLT1EMHighEt: pt > 60 GeV and HOE < 5% HLT1EMVeryHighEt : pt > 200 GeV and HOE < 5%
7 Next Steps Production: CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt6 (should be last) Produce gamma+jet and QCD backgrounds with generator preselection (working on filter now) Working on gamma+jets and 2gamma+jets Alpgen samples with Delhi University (S. Bhattacharia) Analysis: Try to reproduce results from PTDR CSA07: Diphoton skim for CSA07 implemented, as part of QCDAnalysis/Skimming package Caltech to host samples as Tier2 -- see talk last week
8 Backup Slides
9 Releases and Tags CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt2 with tags: V HLTrigger/btau V HLTrigger/xchannel V RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelClusterizer V L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromDigis V L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromMCTruthProd V HLTrigger/Configuration CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt3 with tags: V DataFormats/L1Trigger V L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromDigis V L1Trigger/L1ExtraFromMCTruthProd V L1Trigger/GlobalCaloTrigger V HLTrigger/HLTanalyzers V HLTrigger/HLTexample V SimCalorimetry/HcalTrigPrimProducers V RecoTauTag/HLTProducers V RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers V EventFilter/EcalDigiToRaw V EventFilter/EcalRawToDigiDev V DataFormats/EcalRawData V Geometry/EcalMapping V HLTrigger/Muon V HLTrigger/JetMET V HLTrigger/Egamma V HLTrigger/btau V HLTrigger/xchannel V HLTrigger/Configuration CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt4 with tags: V L1Trigger/RegionalCaloTrigger V RecoEgamma/EgammaHLTProducers V RecoTracker/SpecialSeedGenerators V RecoMuon/CosmicMuonProducer V RecoMuon/TrackerSeedGenerator; V RecoMuon/GlobalTrackFinder V HLTrigger/Configuration CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt5 with tags: V Utilities/ReleaseScripts V HLTrigger/Muon V HLTrigger/btau V HLTrigger/JetMET V HLTrigger/HLTcore V HLTrigger/Configuration
10 L1 EG Trigger Efficiencies in 131hlt5
11 L1 EG Trigger Efficiencies in 131hlt5
12 L1 EG Trigger Efficiencies in 131hlt5
13 HLT Egamma Efficiencies Decrease in EG HLT efficiencies with increasing mass due to a tight cut on energy deposition in HCAL for EG objects… If E > 6 GeV in HCAL for cluster from ECAL Barrel (8 GeV for ECAL Endcap), then the HLT object *not* considered an EG object.. Currently this cut is too tight for very high energy diphotons… our high energy photons identified as jets! Utilize an H/E cut instead…
14 H/E Selection Check signal and born/box background efficiencies with different H/E cuts (CMSSW_1_3_1_hlt4) HLT photon bits with H/E cut: HLT1Photon HLT2Photon \ \
15 HLT Egamma Efficiencies New HighEt paths
16 HLT Egamma Efficiencies
17 HLT Egamma Efficiencies