PATFrame Workshop #2 USC Los Angeles, CA March 11, 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

PATFrame Workshop #2 USC Los Angeles, CA March 11, 2010

PATFrame Timeline Aug 2009Kickoff meeting in Fort Hood January 2010Workshop #1 in El Paso (ITEA) March 2010Workshop #2 in Los Angeles (USC) August 2010Workshop #3 in Boston (MIT) March 2011Workshop #4 in Dallas (UTA)

PATFrame Workshop Objectives Communicate our progress Obtain feedback on methods, prototypes, assumptions, etc. from transition partners Identify follow-on opportunities for data & validation Narrow the problem space for PATFrame


The Ideal Transition Partner Provides data Provides expertise, feedback, and contacts Shares use cases that are representative of a broader set of scenarios Influences the project in the optimal direction Actively advocates the project Innovative, openly adopts new ideas

PATFrame Publications in progress Ferreira, et al., “Unmanned and Autonomous Systems of Systems Test and Evaluation: Challenges and Opportunities,” 4 th IEEE Systems Conference, April (under review) Deonandan, I., et al., “Risk and Cost Considerations for Test and Evaluation of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems of Systems,” 5th IEEE International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering, June (under review) Hess, J., et al., “Test and Evaluation of a SoS using a Prescriptive and Adaptive Testing Framework (PATFrame),” 5 th IEEE International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering, June (under review) Dickerson, et al., “Relational Transformation Methodology for SoS Complexity Modeling,” 5 th IEEE International Conference on Systems of Systems Engineering, June (under review) Hess, J., et al., “Normative and Descriptive Models for Test & Evaluation of Unmanned and Autonomous Systems of Systems,” INCOSE 2010 Symposium, July 2010.