Baseline CSU Reports & Queries
Summary SAM-6 Final Budget Report (CSUSAM06) SAM-7 CSU Trial Balance (CSUGL007) CSUGL005 – Trial Balance by SCO/CSU Fund With PS Detail or Without (Account Detail) CSUGL006 – Trial Balance by SCO/CSU Fund With PS Detail or Without (Account & Fund Detail) SAM18 – Open Liability Report Series Open PO Activity Report FIRMS related baseline queries
SAM 6 – Final Budget Report Report of Revenue and Expense by CSU Fund Options: Show detail at the FIRMS Object Code Level Show detail by FIRMS Program Code Must be run in CSU Business Unit Show detail by FIRMS Program Group Must be run in CSU Business Unit Can be run based on specific value for: CSU Fund Program Code Program Group
SAM 6 – Final Budget Report Recommended Uses When run with FIRMS Object Code Detail in the CSU Business Unit Review for negative expenditures When run in CSU Business Unit with Program Code = to 1100 Review for Reimbursed Activity = zero When run in Campus Business Unit Review for appropriation deficits Review for reverting appropriations
Sample SAM 6 Run Controls Insert FY and Accounting Period Insert CSU Fund to limit the report or leave blank for all
Sample Sam 6 - Output
SAM 7 – Trial Balance Trial Balance by CSU Fund Can be run for all State Funds or all CSU Funds Can be run for a specific State Fund or a specific CSU Fund Prints the SCO fund level information first – followed by the CSU Fund level information
SAM 7 – Trial Balance Recommended Uses Review of abnormal balances Review the encumbrance amounts reported as Accounts Payable
SAM 7 – Trial Balance – Run Control Insert FY and Accounting Period When the “Pre-close” is checked the report will display the Fiscal Year input AP 0-12, when it is NOT checked it will display AP 0 from the Future Fiscal Year Input specific values or the range for all values
Sample Sam 7 - Output
CSUGL005 – Trial Balance by SCO/Fund Run Control
CSUGL005 – Trial Balance by SCO/CSU Fund
CSUGL06 – Trial Balance by SCO/CSU PeopleSoft Fund Checking this box will display BOTH the Fund and Account Detail
CSUGL06 – Trial Balance by SCO/CSU and PeopleSoft Fund
“NEW” Sam18 Reports (Not the old ones)
Sam 18 Reconciliation Summary – Run Control
SAM 18 Open Liability Report Series These reports are used to reconcile to the SCO Accounts Payable State GL 3010 (FIRMS Object Code ) The detail is made up of both actuals and encumbrances The reports run off AP Sub System - Actuals PO Sub System - Encumbrances GL – Both actuals and encumbrances
Sam 18 – Reconciliation Run Control (CSUGL018, 19 & 20)
SAM 18 Recon – SCO/CSU Fund Output
If this amount does not equal the recon summary, then the GL open liability needs to be run for the same account as a journal has been processed
Summary of SAM 18 Reports
Open PO Activity Report – Run Control
Open PO Activity vs All PO Activity Can be run as format CSV, then imported into excel for easy sorting
Output of Open PO Activity Report
SAM 6 Open Encumbrance Total $54,255.34
Open PO Activity “dump” to Excel
Delivered GAAP Reports
xxGAP Business Unit Assumptions Periods 1-12 will only contain derived data All GAAP adjustments will be entered in period 998 A close process must be run to ‘see’ the net change distributed to the appropriate equity accounts Do not enter data into the ledger for the upcoming fiscal year until the reporting is completed for a given year. The reports are coded to pick up ‘good’ data combinations
Summary Statement of Net Assets Statement of Revenues Expenses and Changes Lead Sheet Summary Lead Sheet Detail Lead Sheet GAAP Adjustments Expenses Lead Sheet
Statement of Net Assets Navigation: CSU State & SW Reporting>GAAP Reporting>Statement of Net Assets
Sample report output – Draft mode
Sample report output - Final
SNA Troubleshooting The report will not read the balance in equity accounts for Net Asset Categories 891 or 892 as they should never have an equity balance reported. A systemwide table controls the accounts and the order displayed on this report. Campuses should run the Attribute Build process to see if the systemwide table has been updated if they note that the out of balance is due to a missing account balance. To see the change in revenues and expenses closed to the equity section by Net Asset Category, the campus must run a close process for the fiscal year data. Once the close process is complete, the run control criteria should be set to the next fiscal year in order to see the change in the equity balances.
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets (SRECNA) Navigation: CSU State & SW Reporting>GAAP Reporting>Statement of Expenses
Sample report output – Draft mode
Sample report output - Final
SRECNA Troubleshooting The report may not tie to the ledger balances present in the xxGAP business unit as it will not read revenues and expenses in funds 891 and 892.
Lead Sheet Summary Navigation: CSU State & SW Reporting>GAAP Reporting>Net Asset – Lead Sheet Summary
Sample report output
Lead Sheet Summary Troubleshooting There are two sections in this report. The first section shows the summary breakdown by fund and account that tie to the ledger totals shown on the Statement of Net Assets and the Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Assets on pages 1-14 of the report. Pages of the report show the operating expenses by fund and account. A common issue with this report is that the totals shown on page 14 will indicate that a fund is out of balance. The out of balance is frequently a result of a bad account and program code combination. Analysis of the fund that is out of balance should be done to isolate the issue. The two most common data bad data combinations are reimbursed revenues that did not derive with program code 11 or operating expenses that were not derived to or are missing operating program codes. It is possible that either a change to the account or program code will be the adjustment that will fix the out of balance condition.
Lead Sheet Detail Navigation: CSU State & SW Reporting>GAAP Reporting>Net Asset – Lead Sheet Detail
Sample report output
Lead Sheet Detail Troubleshooting Frequently at the top of the derived information section the message “Journal lines not found” and a total will appear. The two most common reasons this will occur are a bad account and program code combination were derived into the xxGAP business unit or the campus had various issues with their derivation process and deleted journals or the accounting lines in the derivation table causing a data mismatch. The totals in the derived section of the report will not reflect the ledger balance if manual journal entries exist in periods 1-12.
Lead Sheet GAAP Adjustments Navigation: CSU State & SW Reporting>GAAP Reporting>Net Asset – Lead Sheet GAAP Ad
Sample report output
Lead Sheet GAAP Adjustments Troubleshooting The report is coded to show the manual journal entries posted to the adjustment period 998 in same format of the Net Assets – Lead Sheet Detail. Similar to the Net Assets – Lead Sheet Detail at the top of the journal detail section the message “Journal lines not found” and a total will appear. The most common reason this will occur is a bad account and program code combination was posted in an adjustment. Additionally, if the campus posted adjustments to period 1-12, they will not show on this report. Given the issues noted in the preceding sections, the campus should reverse adjustments posted a period other than 998 and enter the journal in period 998.
Expenses Lead Sheet Navigation: CSU State & SW Reporting>GAAP Reporting>Expenses – Lead Sheet
Sample report output
Expenses Lead Sheet Troubleshooting The report is coded to pick up the account and program code combinations listed on the report. The output may not tie to the ledger if data has been entered to a bad combination of account and program or with no program code. Erroneous entry to the xxGAP ledger would need to be reversed and re-entered to the correct combinations.