R OBERT L. M ATHIS J OHN H. J ACKSON PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional.


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Presentation transcript:

R OBERT L. M ATHIS J OHN H. J ACKSON PowerPoint Presentation by Charlie Cook The University of West Alabama Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved. Selecting Human Resources Chapter 8 SECTION 2 Staffing the Organization

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–28–2 Learning Objectives After you have read this chapter, you should be able to:  Diagram the sequence of a typical selection process.  Identify three types of selection tests and legal concerns about their uses.  Discuss several types of selection interviews and some key considerations in conducting these interviews.  Explain how legal concerns affect background investigations of applicants and use of medical examinations in the selection process.  Describe the major issues to be considered when selecting candidates for global assignments.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–38–3 Selection and Placement Selection  The process of choosing individuals with qualifications needed to fill jobs in an organization.  Organizations need qualified employees to succeed.  “Hire hard, manage easy.”  “Good training will not make up for bad selection.” Placement  Fitting a person to the right job.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–48–4 HR Employment Functions Receiving applications Interviewing applicants Administering tests to applicants Conducting background investigations Arranging physical examinations Placing and assigning new employees Coordinating follow-up of new employees Exit interviewing departing employees Maintaining employee records and reports.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–58–5 PlacementPlacement Person-job Fit  Matching the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) of people to the characteristics of jobs (tasks, duties and responsibilities–TDRs). Person-organization Fit  The congruence between individuals and organizational factors. KSAs = TDRs = Job Success?

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–68–6 Criteria, Predictors, and Job Performance Selection Criterion  A characteristic that a person must have to do a job successfully Predictors  The measurable or visible indicators of a selection criterion Validity  The correlation between a predictor and job performance Reliability  The extent to which a predictor repeatedly produces the same results, over time

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–78–7 The Selection Process Legal Concerns in the Selection Process  Equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws and regulations  Non-discriminatory job-related selection practices  Who is an applicant?  The employer must have taken steps to fill a particular job.  The individual must follow the application procedure.  The individual must have expressed interest in a particular position.  Applicant Flow Documentation  Employers must collect data on the race, sex, and other demographics of applicants to fulfill EEO reporting requirements.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–88–8 Applicant Job Interest Realistic Job Preview  The process through which a job applicant receives an accurate picture of the organizational realities of the job.  Prevents the development of unrealistic job expectations that cause disenchantment, dissatisfaction, and turnover in new employees.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–98–9 Pre-Employment Screening Pre-Screening Interview Electronic Screening

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–10 ApplicationsApplications Purposes of Applications  Record of applicant’s interest in the job  Provides a profile of the applicant  Basic record for applicants who are hired  Research effectiveness of the selection process Resumes as Applications  Resumes are applications for EEO purposes.  Resumes should be retained for at least three years. Immigration Forms (Eligibility to Work)  INS I-9 form must be completed within 72 hours.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–11 Application Disclaimers and Notices Employment-at-will  Indicates the right of the employer or employee to terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without notice or cause. References contacts  Obtains applicant’s permission to contact references. Employment testing  Notifies applicants of required drug tests, physical exams, or other tests. Application time limits  Indicates how long the application will remain active. Information falsification  Indicates that false information is grounds for termination.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–12 EEO Considerations and Application Forms Applications should not contain illegal (nonjob- related) questions concerning:  Marital status  Height/weight  Number and ages of dependents  Information on spouse  Date of high school graduation  Contact in case of emergency

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–13 Selection Testing: Ability Tests Cognitive Ability Tests Physical Ability Tests Psychomotor Tests Work Sample Tests Situational Judgment Tests Assessment Centers

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–14 Other Tests Personality Tests  Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)  Myers-Briggs  “Fakability” and personality tests Honest and Integrity Testing  Standardized honesty/integrity tests  “Fakability of honesty tests  Polygraph tests (“lie detector”)  Polygraph testing in pre-employment is prohibited (in most instances) by the Employee Polygraph Protection Act.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–15 Big Five Personality Characteristics Figure 8–6

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–16 Legal Concerns and Selection Testing  Job-relatedness (validity) of selection tests  Compliance with EEO and ADA laws and regulations Proper Use of Tests in Selection  Use for additional information, not disqualification  Negative reactions by test takers to certain tests  Costs of testing versus “bad hires”

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–17 Reliability and Validity in Interviews Face Validity Interrater Reliability Intrarater Reliability Interview Reliability and Validity Issues

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–18 Selection Interviewing Reliability and Validity of Interviews  Intra-rater reliability: interviewers who are consistent in their ability to select individuals who will perform well.  Inter-rater reliability: the extent to which different interviewers agree in the selection of individuals who will perform well.  Face validity: a test that appears to be valid because external observers assume, without proof, that it is.  Unstructured interviews are less reliable and less valid than structured interviews.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–19 Structured Interviews Structured Interview Biographical Interview Behavioral Interview Competency Interview Situational Interview Nondirective Interview Stress Interviews

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–20 Who Does Interviews Video Interviewing IndividualsIndividuals Panel Interviews Team Interviews InterviewsInterviews

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–21 Effective Interviewing Conducting an Effective Interview  Planning the interview  Controlling the interview  Using effective questioning techniques Questions to Avoid  Yes/No questions  Obvious questions  Questions that rarely produce a true answer  Leading questions  Illegal questions  Questions that are not job related

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–22 Problems in the Interview Halo Effect Snap Judgments Negative Emphasis Biases and Stereotyping Cultural Noise

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–23 Background Investigation Falsification of Background Information  Many applications and resumes contain factual misstatements or significant omissions. Sources of Background Information  Previous-employment records  Criminal records  Drug tests  Education/degree documentation  Professional certifications/licenses  Motor vehicle records  Credit history  Honesty tests  Social Security number  Sex offenders lists  Worker’s compensation records  Military records

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–24 Background Investigation (cont’d) Reference Checking Methods  Telephoning the reference  Use of preprinted reference forms Giving References on Former Employees  Employers can incur a civil liability for statements made about former employees.  Employers have adopted policies restricting the release of reference information to name, employment dates, and job title.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–25 Background Investigation (cont’d) Legal Constraints on Background Investigation  Risks of negligent hiring and retention  Due diligence: investigating an applicant’s background to avoid suits for actions of the employee.  Obtaining signed releases from applicants is necessary to avoid problems with privacy issues.  Negligent hiring  Occurs when an employer fails to check an employee’s background and the employee injures someone.  Negligent retention  Occurs when an employer becomes aware that an employee may be unfit for employment, continues to employ the person, and the person injures someone.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–26 Background Investigation (cont’d) Fair Credit Reporting Act  Requires disclosure of a credit check  Requires written consent of applicant  Requires copy of report be given to the applicant

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–27 Medical Examinations and Inquires American With Disabilities Act (ADA)  Prohibits pre-employment medical exams  Prohibits rejecting persons for disabilities or asking disability-related questions until after a conditional job offer is made. Drug Testing  Tests must be monitored to protect integrity of results. Genetic Testing  Tests for genetic links to workplace hazards  Tests for genetic problems related to the workplace  Tests to exclude workers for increased risks

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–28 Making the Job Offer Offer Guidelines  Formalize the offer with a letter to the applicant clearly stating the terms and conditions of employment.  Avoid vague, general statements and promises.  Require return of a signed acceptance of the offer.

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–29 Staffing Global Assignments Types of Global Employees ExpatriateExpatriate Third-Country National Host-Country National

Copyright © 2005 Thomson Business & Professional Publishing. All rights reserved.8–30 Selection Factors for Global Employees Figure 8–9