Resource Discovery Module DigiTool Version 3.0
Resource Discovery 2 Deposit Approval Search & Index Dispatcher & Viewers Single & Bulk Web Services DigiTool Modules
Resource Discovery 3 Resource Discovery: Main Components Collection exploration Simple Search: search functionality targeted for novice users Advanced Search: search functionality targeted for more experienced users Object Viewing My Space: management of personal data User Registration
Resource Discovery 4 Resource Discovery Interface Persistent Toolbar Search Collection Exploration
Resource Discovery 5 Allows users to explore objects in a hierarchical collection structure Collection Exploration Each collection record can include a title, description, and thumbnail Each object can be part of more than one collection A collection record can point either to child collection records (e.g., Art, Paintings) or include pointers to specific objects
Resource Discovery 6 Collection Exploration Description Collection hierarchy
Resource Discovery 7 Collections in Results View The full record includes the information on the related collection(s) in the full view search results.
Resource Discovery 8 DigiTool Search DigiTool search allows the retrieval of relevant records from the set of DigiTool resources by choosing the “search base” or collection, and entering search terms. DigiTool search function can retrieve and present up to 2000 records per set.
Resource Discovery 9 Simple Search Options There are several possible ways to conduct a simple search: With the radio button "Contains" selected, the search string returns all matching records for which the search terms appear anywhere in the record.
Resource Discovery 10 Simple Search Options With the radio button "Exact" selected, the search string will return only those matching records for which the search terms appear together in the record. This search type is useful for phrases or adjacent terms.
Resource Discovery 11 Simple Search Options With the radio button "Starts with" selected, the search string will return records starting with the phrase or keywords.
Resource Discovery 12 Advanced Search Options An array of options to perform complex keyword searches. Search of several indexes simultaneously, indicating terms relations by Boolean operators and limiting a search by media type or file format.
Resource Discovery 13 Advanced Search Options The advanced search allows the limit of a search by Media types or file extensions presented by drop-down menus below the search boxes.
Resource Discovery 14 Advanced Search Options The advanced search allows to search XML tags of the XML files such as METS or EAD.
Resource Discovery 15 Search Results DigiTool provides three types of results views: Brief View Table View Full View
Resource Discovery 16 Brief View Search Results The Brief View screen displays the returned set of records in a row-based format including the object’s thumbnail, manifestations and other related information.
Resource Discovery 17 Table View Search Results The Table View screen presents the returned set of records in a tabular format, including, by default, title, creator, subject, and object manifestation icons.
Resource Discovery 18 Full View Search Results The Full View screen contains the full information for one particular record, with the search terms highlighted by default
Resource Discovery 19 Sort Search Results There are several ways to operate within the search results: The user can choose to sort search results by selecting the relevant option from the ‘Sort by’ drop-down menu.
Resource Discovery 20 Refine Search Results The user can modify search results by clicking on the Refine link, which opens a window allowing the user to expand or narrow the original search, with new search terms and Boolean operators.
Resource Discovery 21 Save Record on PC Save a metadata record by clicking on the disk icon From Search Results views, the user can choose the following actions:
Resource Discovery 22 Record a metadata record by clicking on the letter icon
Resource Discovery 23 Add Record to e-Shelf Add specific records to your e-Shelf by clicking on the cart icon These records can be accessed from "My Space". Once a record has been added to the e-Shelf, the new cart icon related to that record will represent this addition and be disabled as long as the record remains in your e-Shelf.
Resource Discovery 24 Manifestations DigiTool manages manifestation relations among objects All manifestations can share the same descriptive metadata but have different access rights or the vice versa. Manifestations are usually different representations of the same object but this is not compulsory
Resource Discovery 25 Manifestations Hi Resolution JPEG2000 Low Resolution JPEG Digital Master TIFF Thumbnail Descriptive metadata Access Rights
Resource Discovery 26 Manifestations The manifestation list is available from the brief view search results screen by clicking the thumbnail (or ellipsis) and from the full view search results screen.
Resource Discovery 27 Delivery DigiTool provides out-of-the-box viewers for: Single objects Multi-page objects (METS) EAD objects e-Shelf viewer Text viewer
Resource Discovery 28 Viewing an Object
Resource Discovery 29 Viewing Objects Side by Side
Resource Discovery 30 Viewing Compound Objects - METS
Resource Discovery 31 Viewing Compound Objects – EAD
Resource Discovery 32 Previous Searches To display the searches that were previously conducted in the current session, click Previous Searches on the top bar.
Resource Discovery 33 Search Bases Search Bases page allows users to view the names and descriptions for all accessible and searchable resources.
Resource Discovery 34 My Space Guests:Registered Users: Simple e-Shelf: Default Basket Folder for the current session Advanced e-Shelf: Folder Management Publishing Option Personal Collection Preferences per sessionPreferences per session and saved for future use RegisterUser Information Search History previously saved searches
Resource Discovery 35 Login To login to DigiTool, a user clicks the lock icon on the top navigation bar. The Patron Directory Services (PDS) window appears:
Resource Discovery 36 My Space for Registered Users e-Shelf Search History Preferences User Information
Resource Discovery 37 e-Shelf for Registered Users The DigiTool e-Shelf enables registered users to: Publish personal folders under URL and send them to the third party. Create personal collections by uploading files or external URLs into the system. Create personal folders, move and copy items from the Basket folder to personal folders.
Resource Discovery 38 e-Shelf Folder Management The user can manage folders from the left-side pane: Delete the existing folder by selecting the inline check box and clicking the folder with x icon. Create a new folder by clicking the folder with asterisk icon. The pop up form will appear on the screen.
Resource Discovery 39 e-Shelf Folder Management Use the check box in order to select records and: Move/Copy to previously created folders by choosing the folder in the relevant drop-down menu. Delete records from folder by selecting records and clicking the icon.
Resource Discovery 40 Publish e-Shelf Folder e-Shelf Folders can be published for sharing by way of a standard URL. By clicking the “Make Public” icon, users are able to select “Public” check box and provide a public name to the folder. The Public Folders icon will be changed to “Update Public Details”
Resource Discovery 41 Publish e-Shelf Folder Public folders can be viewed from e-Shelf by clicking the link or sent to other parties.
Resource Discovery 42 Designed to support instructional/educational activities Personal Collection Approved users such as professors/instructors can load objects into their e-Shelf and arrange them in folders together with objects from other library collections Users can share their personal collections with other users (e.g., students) Shared collection can be linked via simple URL and easily embedded in CMS/VLE
Resource Discovery 43 Creating Personal Collection
Resource Discovery 44 Editing Personal Objects The personal objects can be edited by clicking the inline “edit” icon.
Resource Discovery 45 Search History The Search History option lists searches that were saved by the registered user in the current or previous sessions.
Resource Discovery 46 Preferences The user may set personal preferences, overwriting the institution’s default settings.
Resource Discovery 47 User Information Registered users are able to update their personal information and change password.
Resource Discovery 48 My Space for Guests e-Shelf Preferences Register
Resource Discovery 49 e-Shelf All records are saved in the Basket - the default folder of the e-Shelf for both registered and guest users. Guests’ additions are saved until the end of the web session. Registered users have the ability to store records in the e- Shelf for future sessions.
Resource Discovery 50 e-Shelf Add note by clicking on the inline pencil icon
Resource Discovery 51 e-Shelf The DigiTool e-Shelf enables the user change the order of records.
Resource Discovery 52 Preferences The user may set personal preferences, overwriting the institution’s default settings, saved for the current session.
Resource Discovery 53 Register New users can send a registration form to the Institution’s staff from the Register tab.
Resource Discovery 54 Thank you!